7 Main Applications of Beryllium

Author: Julissa Green

Early use of the word beryllium can be traced to many languages, including Latin Beryllus; French Greek Greek????????, berullos, beryl; Prakrit veruliya; Pali veuriya, veiru or viar- "Pale semi-precious stones" Gem beryl. The original source is probably the Sanskrit word vaidurya-, which is of Dravidian origin and could be derived from the name of the modern city of Belur. For about 160 years, beryllium was also known as glucinum or glucinium (with the accompanying chemical symbol "Gl"), the name coming from the Greek word for sweet:??????, due to the sweet taste of beryllium salts.

Early analysis of emerald and beryllium always found that their elemental composition was similar, leading to the false conclusion that both substances were aluminum silicate. Later, chemist Louis-Nicolas Vauquelin separated aluminum from beryllium by dissolving aluminum hydroxide in an additional base. Vauquelin named the new element "glucinum" for the sweet taste of some of its compounds.

Friedrich Wohler and Antoine Bussy independently separated beryllium through the chemical reaction of potassium potassium and beryllium chloride in 1828 as follows:

BeCl2 + 2 K?2 KCl + Be

Apart from its popularity in gems such as emerald, aquamarine and sapphire, what is the main commercial use of beryllium?

Beryllium is a white metal whose surface is usually covered with an oxide film. Through the protection of this layer of oxide film, no chemical reaction will occur inside it, so it is relatively stable.

Beryllium is mainly used as a hardener for alloys, and a typical example is beryllium bronze. The atomic number of beryllium is small (that is, the number of electrons in its atom is small), and the density is also small (about 1.85 g / cm3). X-rays can penetrate beryllium directly. Because of this characteristic, beryllium is often used as a transmission window for X-rays.

We list the seven main applications of beryllium below.

1. Beryllium is known for its stiffness and light weight. Beryllium sheets are used in the industry to produce high-speed aircraft, missiles, spacecraft and communications satellites.

2. The above features of light weight and high rigidity also lead to the use of beryllium foil in tweeters, such as professional audio and public broadcasting applications.

  1. Beryllium is the main material used to make X-ray tube radiation windows, because its absorption of X-rays is very low.
  2. Large-area mirrors in cellular meteorological satellites are made of beryllium. In addition, small beryllium mirrors are also used in optical guidance systems and fire control systems.
  3. Because of the non-magnetic nature of beryllium alloys, tools made of beryllium can be used on or near strong magnetic fields (such as naval mines).
  4. Beryllium is utilized in nuclear applications. Thin plates or foils of beryllium are the very outer layer of the plutonium pits in the design of nuclear weapons and are also used as neutron space in laboratory experiences.
  5. Beryllium is specifically designed for electronic connector applications. In particular, the manufacture of printed circuit boards in surface mount technology places high demands on cross-rolled beryllium plates.

Beryllium copper alloys are widely used in market sectors including nuclear power, automotive, oil and gas, electronics and aerospace. These industries represent the largest customer base for copper alloy manufacturers.