Top Ten Kitchen Trends of 2020

Author: Thierry Pigeot

The kitchen can easily be considered the heart of the home. It is most certainly the source of many happy moments from Thanksgiving Preparations among family or Saturday Soirée among friends. The kitchen is the congregating point for slow Sunday morning coffee and quick after school snacks.

Kitchens can also be telling of a homeowner’s design preferences and styles. Their aesthetic features are as important as their functional ones. Here are the ten most popular kitchen trends that will make their mark in the year 2020.

1. Greys and Blacks

Grey and black are classic tones that suggest elegance and simplicity. They offer these same sophistication points in the kitchen. They allow for easy pairing with many appliances, whose colors often mimic these tones, as well as accent pieces in brighter colors.

2. Pops of Color

As noted above, a pop of color can be a stand-out piece for any kitchen. In 2020, you will see these in colorful appliances or bright cabinets. A sure-fire way to bring character into any kitchen!

3. Storage Walls

Storage is an important aspect of the kitchen, and it has gone through many evolutions throughout the decades. One trend you will see in 2020 are in-wall storage, which has the added benefit of keeping clutter off counters and out of sight.

4. Open Shelves

Another form of shelving that has become trendy is open shelving. These are meant for frequent use items and ornate kitchen pieces – a perfect combination of functionality and creativity.

5. Deep Drawers

Another storage feature to be seen will be deep drawers. It has become increasingly popular to storage larger and heavier items like pots and ceramic plates in deep drawers for easy access.

6. Seamless Cabinets

In line with the rise of minimalism come seamless cabinets. These replace gaudy cabinets of times’ past with their large gold knobs. These seamless cabinets tend not to be textured nor pop out from their backing. Often, their knobs are slim and slender and do not take away from the sleek look of the cabinet.

7. Hidden Appliances

Continuing on from the last point, a trend in kitchen storage now includes appliances. More and more, they are being hidden out of sight to de-clutter countertops and create a sleek and minimal design.

8. Marble Backsplash

Large marble pieces have come to replace the small tiles often seen in kitchens. A trend on the rise is back-splashes that go up the wall and are made of large marble tiles.

9. Open concept Layout

Open concept layouts make spaces appear larger, allows for better air circulation and creates a central space together that places the kitchen as a focal point.

10. Functional fridges

If any piece in the kitchen needs to be functional, it’s the fridge! The trend in refrigerators is about customization and functionality. If you require lots of produce storage, a fridge with large drawers and designed to keep produce fresh is ideal. Other features to consider are humidity controls, deli drawers, and bottom-freezers or side-freezers.