Why should you opt for seasoned firewood?

Author: Matt Herring

It is always a better idea to buy firewood that is old. Firewood from a newly cut tree should never be bought, because the content of moisture is extremely high. This renders the firewood hard to burn and there will be excessive smoke when the wood is burned giving rise to a good round of choking. And it is bad for the environment as well – we all know that. But there is one thing that many of us are not aware off – when you burn firewood that is loaded with moisture it leads to creosote buildup in a chimney, which is harmful to lay the least. And since many are not aware of it, the entire thing proves to be dangerous with the passage of time. What is it that you can do? Whenever you are checking out Firewood for sale always opt for the "seasoned" one. There are ways to be sure of this:

Check moisture level: good firewood should have moisture content not more than 15% to 20%. Anything above that will affect the burning efficiency of the firewood and there will be an increase in the production of smoke. If you want good firewood then check out the seasoned and kiln dried variety.

You can also checkout the Log delivery to find out when the firewood was delivered. This way you can be sure of how old the firewood is.

Seasoned Firewood:

This firewood has been thoroughly dried before being put up for sale. It has got enough time for all the moisture to dry up so that when you burn it there is a proper crackling sound and the wood burns properly as well.Generally, this wood is stored in a dry place and allowed to dry for a minimum span of six months if not more. In case you do not have time to wait for so many months, you should opt for the kiln-dried variety.

Kiln dried firewood:

The Kiln dried firewood is also one type of seasoned firewood. The only difference is that it is up for sale much faster. This type of firewood is dried in an oven for 75 minutes. When dried in the kiln, the amount of moisture gets reduced to 10% to 20% while the internal moisture is maintained between 140 degrees to 160 degrees. These are not the only benefits of this type of firewood. Since the moisture is low in this wood, the formation of mold and mildew is eliminated. In fact, the drying process also kills bugs and fungus. As a result it is an eco-friendly solution.

So what are you waiting for? This festive season opt for the season firewood. The Kiln dried firewood seems to be the best option. What do you think? Contact us for all your firewood requirements anytime.We are one of the leading dealers of Kiln dried firewood in the region. We offer affordable, high quality firewood all round the year. So what are you waiting for? Give us a call today.

About the Author:-

Refer to: http://www.buyfirewooddirect.co.uk to know more about Firewood for sale , Log delivery, Kiln dried firewood