Neat Tricks to Keep Your Patio Clean from Weeds

Author: Jane Wilson

The weeds are the biggest enemy every gardener has. They come out unwanted, and before we know it, they have occupied our entire garden, eating away all the nutrients from the soil, and killing our plants this way. People strive to remove them from their backyards as much as they can, but there are some areas where the removing is a lot more complicated, simply because of the location of the weeds. Such places are the patios, the driveways and other spots, where the weeds can grow in small cracks without being disturbed. Once these places get overgrown by weeds, most people think that this is ugly, but still normal and that there is nothing they can do about it. But the truth is, that you can do a lot about it. There are many neat tricks to keep your patio clean from weeds, you just need to have the will to do it. If you're interested, just keep reading and you will find everything you need to know about removing these pesky weeds.

Boiling water. The boiling water is a very aggressive and quite effective method to get rid of the weeds from hard to reach places. This is simply because the hot water can destroy practically every plant, no matter how tough and meaty its leafs are. This is why this solution is never used around regular plants, because it would kill them in an instant too. Using boiling water to kill weeds is quite easy – you just need to boil some water and pour it on the patio, while aiming for the cracks where the weeds live. In a few minutes you will notice that they have gone yellow and look dead. Well, congratulations! The weeds won't come out for some time now.

Vinegar. The white vinegar contains lots of acid, which makes it the perfect cleaner, because it can remove practically all kinds of stains. But when it comes to gardening work, you'll need to be very careful with it around your plants, because it will destroy them in an instant. But it's perfect to keep your driveway or patio clean from weeds, because we usually don't grow any useful plants in there. In order to treat the patio weeds with vinegar, first you need to dilute it with some water. The best possible proportion here is one part vinegar and two parts water. Then just pour it over the cracks, aiming for the middle sections of the weeds. The vinegar, combined with the sun will dry them out for an hour or so. According to these garden maintenance experts from Sydney, this is one of the most efficient ways to remove the weeds and grass from the paved patio.

Vodka. The vodka can kill practically everything, including your liver. This is why it's perfect for keeping your patio clean from weeds, especially, if the patio is exposed to sun. The mixture you need to prepare contains about 30 millilitres of vodka, 2 cups of water and a few drops of liquid soap. For a better effect, you can pour them into a spray bottle and shake it a little. Then you'll have to spray all the weeds and cracks you find on your way. Then just leave them be and the sun will do the rest. The only way this solution won't work, is if the place you spray it around has no exposure to the sun, because the vodka may dehydrate the plant, but the sun is the one which dries them.

Baking soda. The baking soda is a very good cleaner, but it also has the ability to kill every plant which gets near it. And this makes it the perfect weed killer for paved patios. All you need to do is to sprinkle the baking soda on the patio and just sweep it into the cracks. The sodium, which is contained in the baking soda, will make sure that the atmosphere there is very unpleasant for all the weeds.