7 tips to repurpose your old carpets

Author: Robert Keith

Has the carpet in your home lost its appeal? Even with the best carpet cleaning services, eventually, carpets do age, and it is best to start fresh by replacing your old carpet. Luckily, the good news is you can still repurpose your old carpet around your home in ways that will save you money, bring value to your home, and benefit your everyday life. Read on to discover 7 unique ways you can refurbish that old carpet of yours before you recycle it forever!

Door Mats

The most obvious thing you can do with your old carpet is to create doormats for each entrance of your home. If you have replaced your old carpet with new, it is important to keep the new carpet clean and protected. This is achievable by placing doormats at each entryway of your home. People entering will be able to wipe their feet off from outside. To do this, simply cut your old carpet to the size and shape you like. Try getting creative by cutting out different shaped doormats, like ovals and circles.

Car Mats

While you’re cutting carpet for your entryways, don’t forget about your car! It can be easy to stain your car's floor mats past repair, especially if you have children or pets. Instead of spending money on new floor mats, you can repurpose your old carpet into new ones. Plus, you can use your old floor mats as a cutting guide to get the right fit. You have now not only saved some money but also cleaned up the look of your car interior.

Pet Accessories and Toys

Okay, pet lovers! This one’s for you. Repurposed carpet can be used for a lot of different pet accessories and toys. If you own a cat, think about using your old carpet to update their scratch post and playhouse. Old carpet can also make a great liner for dog crates and beds. If you have animals who enjoy spending time outside, repurposed carpet can be used as a liner inside animal structures, like doghouses.

Oil and Grime Catcher

Have you ever noticed the oil stains on driveways? Maybe you even have some on your own. Oil and grime stains can be prevented, though, by using your old carpet as protection. If you change your oil, for example, place a piece of old carpet under your car where you are working to prevent any oil drips from getting on your garage floor or driveway. You can also try placing a piece of the old carpet where you park in your garage for preventative measures in case you ever have leaking oil.

Garden Knee Pads

Are you someone who loves spending time in the garden? Garden work can put tension on your body, especially when you are planting or weeding on your knees. Although you can pay for garden pads at the hardware store, your old carpet is all you need to protect your knees when it is gardening time. Simply roll a piece of old carpet as a cushion for your knees to lean on and you can bet your knees will thank you later!

DIY Projects

If you are one who loves DIY projects then you will want to keep that old carpet of yours around. Old carpet can be used in many projects around your home. Renovating the look of a room? Use old carpet as material to upcycle an old ottoman, stool, or headboard. If you’d like you can also bleach the carpet and dye it a new color to match the look you love. The opportunities are pretty endless here.

Furniture Movers

Thinking of rearranging one of the rooms in your home? Well, your old carpet can be used under your furniture to help move it smoothly from one place to another without lifting or damaging your floors. This can be done by cutting small pieces of carpet to place under each arm of furniture and then all you have to do is slide it to its new location.

Your old carpet does not have to be another pile in the recycle bin. With these 7 tips repurposing your old carpet can be fun, useful, and beneficial to you and your home.