Simulator Walk Lose weight?
Taking time in the field of oil, this is my first of many posts (Simulator Walk Lose weight) to come about physical activity. The big question: why talk about hiking simulator?
This question will answer you with another question: seeing these commercials about fitness equipment, who never questioned - "Does this really work?"
Simulador de Caminhada Emagrece
Simulator Walk Lose weight?
So I'm here to answer them the following question:
The simulator Walking slims?
I'll cut to the chase: Yes, the simulator Walking slims!
As the name implies, this device simulates walking. As everyone already knows, walking, when done right, brings numerous benefits to the body and one of them is weight loss.
Only on that basis you can already get an idea if the simulator Walking slims.
Moreover, this device works more muscles than a simple walk (see video at end of post). More than that, it requires more effort from your body, which contributes to a large caloric expenditure.
Oh you wonder: How does he know that?
I know that, why do I bought a 6 months and had good results!
Now, do not think you will lose weight if you exercise 1 time per week! If interested, see below under the heading "How often use the simulator walk to get good results?" How I use this simulator and how you can use it to achieve good results!
What are the advantages of the simulator walk?
- No need to leave home to make physical activity;
- Even if it's raining, you can still do some activity;
- You will not miss the novel 9am, 4 games Monday, or any other programming;
- There is no impact on the knee, which greatly reduces the possibility of injury to the area (a major advantage).
- No need to beware of cell phone, wallet, key and so on.
- Do not run more risk of being robbed!
How to enhance the effects of the simulator walk?
If you want to maximize the effects of the simulator walk, I suggest you pass to consume Safflower oil, an important ally in fat burning!
Simulator Walk Lose weight
How often use the simulator walk to get good results?
As we have seen, the simulator Walking slims yes! However, it must be used correctly! Below I leave just a hint that can bring good results for you
1. Tip for those just starting:
1st month:
- 4 times per week (days interleaved);
- Duration 20 minutes;
- Previous Elongation (5min)
- Have the appliance in the first 5 minutes, make a very light work (heating phase).
- Between 5-15 min, moderate to low speed.
- Between 15 - 20 min, low speed (relaxation phase).
2nd month:
- 4 times per week (days interleaved);
- Duration 20 minutes;
- Stretching prior (5min);
- Have the appliance in the first 5 minutes, make a very light work (heating phase).
- Between 5-10 min, moderate speed.
- Between 10 - 12 min, high speed.
- Between 12-15 min, moderate speed.
- Between 15 - 20 min, low speed (relaxation phase).
3rd month onwards:
3rd month onwards, I suggest MY routine:
- 5 or 6 times per week;
- Before starting the racing simulator, do a stretch (5 min).
- Have the appliance in the first 5 minutes, do a very light work (heating phase).
- Between 5-10 min, step to a moderate speed (no exaggeration).
- Between 10 - 18 min, do a harder job as follows: 1 min intersperse high speed and 1 min of moderate speed.
- Between 18 - 20 min, go to full throttle (high speed).
- Between 20-22 min, moderate speed (phase to "rest" for 2 min earlier and prepare for Pauleira of 3 min to come)
- Between 22-25 min, high speed (heartbeat upstairs)
- Between 25-27 min, moderate speed (decelerating).
- Between 27-30 min, low speed (relaxation phase).
- I recommend consulting a physician before beginning activities;
- This workout is just a suggestion. If it is too heavy or too light, try to adapt to what your body requires!
- Try starting the 2nd month, inserting rapid variations between moderate and fast speed, as described in training. This prevents the body gets used to the activity and stop wasting energy.
Simulador de Caminhada Emagrece