CoolSculpting: Does it work and is it safe?

Author: Gagan Dang

CoolSculpting is a branded, FDA-approved form of fat reduction called cryolipolysis. This cool sculpting in Mission Viejo is a cosmetic treatment to remove areas of body fat that break down fat cells by freezing. One of the most important benefits that come with CoolSculpting is, it’s a non-surgical procedure to eliminate the fat. It is one of the safe and effective ways to reduce the number of fat cells in a small target area. For the most part, CoolSculpting has a good safety record. In addition, studies show that cryolipolysis is safe and effective.

How CoolSculpting Works?

CoolSculpting is a non-invasive procedure that freezes fat. During this procedure, the targeted pockets of fat are subjected to intensely cold temperatures to freeze fat cells, which leads to the death of fat cells. The body then removes these dead fat cells naturally. It can treat several parts of the body that includes buttocks, arms, legs, body sides, belly, lower back, thighs, and more. This technique is appropriate for helping to remove small amounts of extra fat resistant to other weight-loss attempts such as diet and exercise.

Who Does Coolsculpting Work For?

CoolSculpting is a safe and effective treatment for reducing body fat in many people, but not for everyone. People who have the following conditions should not do this treatment because of the risk of dangerous complications.

The conditions include,

  • Paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria (PCH)
  • Cold agglutinin disease
  • Cryoglobulinemia

Whether or not you have these conditions, it’s important to talk to your Mission Viejo clinic for weight loss before performing the procedure.

Is Coolsculpting A Safe Procedure For Fat Reduction?

Yes, it is a safe, effective, and time-saving procedure for fat reduction. As we know, cold or hot that extreme temperatures can cause damage to the body. This raises the question, is CoolSculpting safe? Are there any side effects that could cause lasting harm to someone undergoing the procedure?

The temperature that the tissue is subjected effect only on the fat cells in the target area. When applied right and by a trained professional, the cooling does not harm or have any effect on the surrounding tissue. These may include some redness and firmness, mild bruising around the edges of the treatment area. But don’t worry, most of the side effects are resolved in a few days or weeks.

Contact the right licensed and Board Certified physician who specializes in serving people in a medical weight loss plan in Mission Viejo.

The author of this article is a leading provider of fat freezing treatment, cool sculpting in Mission Viejo. In this article, he discusses how CoolSculpting works and how safe CoolSculpting is. To learn more, visit