Give the Best Stag Party For That Groom-To-Be

Author: Austin Fog

A bachelor party serves as an event to convince someone that he made the right choice in finally tying the knot soon. It is also the last night that a groom-to-be has a chance to enjoy all the pleasures of an unmarried man. Basically, a bachelor or a stag party is a night of fun restricted to men. The arrangement of this occasion is left to the hands of the groomsman with the itinerary always kept secret to the groom.

Though the idea of this kind of party sounds carefree, its preparations can actually be complicated especially with the part where a stripper has to enter the scene. A stag party should play between the boundaries of naughtiness and appropriateness and sometimes that is just too hard to accomplish especially if men are tasked to arrange the preparations. Besides from that, the venue, food, and the program are also other factors to take care of.

One of the most important bachelor party tips that can help make things easier is to plan the event with a very good timing. Do not do it on the eve of the wedding because the groom needs to have proper rest before his big day. One smart choice is to do it a week before the big occasion on Friday or Saturday nights when most people are already free from their jobs. The next thing that should be considered is the food preparations. If the party has a theme, the type of food to be served should follow the selected theme.

If there is none, however, preparing finger foods like fries, burgers, pizza, and Buffalo wings are recommended because they can go well as snacks or with beer. If budget is sufficient, hiring a caterer is good but asking someone's mother to cook is also a good idea. Another one of some bachelor party tips is to choose the best place where the occasion will be held. Going to a stripper bar is a good idea but making sure that the groom will receive his deserved attention from the performers should be assured. It is never wise to have the party in crowded places with other people around because this is supposed to be a private event for the groom-to-be. Instead, doing it in a friend's house or a small resort can already suffice.

The last of bachelor party tips is the proper choosing of the Austin strippers. In selecting a performer for the stag party, it is highly important to choose someone who is attractive, witty, and knows what she is doing. Make sure that the stripper to be hired knows her boundaries and has a couple of tricks behind her back. Request for an added twist on the performance. For example, ask the stripper to invite the groom to go on the stage with her and let her dress him in women's clothes for example. The ideas are endless to make this occasion as fun as possible. Only in this part of the party, it is important to make sure that the groom will not do anything that can make him feel guilty toward his bride-to-be.