A Guide To Choosing The Right Confinement Nanny Service in Singapore

Author: Brian Jones

Experienced professionals offer holistic services to new mothers.

Baby birth can trigger a myriad of emotions along with physical exertion. Women can experience postpartum depression & need proper medical and mental care. The confinement period isn’t said to be easy, which is why professional help is sought.

With the help of professional Confinement Nanny Service, women can take out time for them to recover, recuperate, and rejuvenate. The baby, which needs unwavering attention, will be properly attended by the nanny.

In Singapore, you can find options galore once you keep on scourging the information available. Although claims would be larger than life, you should prepare yourself for a tough hunt of a nanny. Here’s what you can do:

  • Begin your search in the first trimester. Don’t wait until the end! Start hunting for the nanny within the first trimester. You must not get overly fantasized about the idea of having a nanny to meet all your whims and fancies. Being anxious also can let you slip heavy emotions.
  • Knowledge & expertise. The ladies offering nanny & Maid Services need not have high education, but they should have the expertise and knowledge of handling a baby and a postnatal mum undergoing postpartum recovery. You can sort out interviews with them to understand their thought-process.
  • Attitude. When you are emotionally and physically fragile, you would hardly want to live with someone whom you can’t stand a second. Therefore, look for CLs with the right attitude to handle the postnatal conditions of a new mum & make the experience memorable.
  • Compatibility issues. We talk about this because not necessarily every CL or Confinement Lady would share the same composure even if they’re supremely experienced and talented in handling these issues. You must hire someone compatible with you and your needs.
  • Room arrangements. Most of the "specialist" nannies wouldn’t demand you anything extra for their accommodation. But, you should make proper arrangements for them to take a shower, a much-needed break, and some relaxed time in a good space with basic facilities.
  • License & background. In Singapore, you can find the confinement nanny and housekeeping services from registered agencies with a legal license. You can ask for a background check (they would have it already) to ascertain crucial information about them.
  • Costs. For comprehensive personal confinement maternity support, you may have to spend a reasonable amount of costs. This doesn’t cost you a bomb, but if you want quality services, go for the tariffs that are affordable for you and your family. You can discuss and negotiate in some places too.
  • Additional services. Some of the agencies also offer prenatal and postnatal massages for moms. Also, they may offer a wide range of confinement services along with baby care, mom care, and housekeeping.

Embracing motherhood isn’t quick and easy for some moms, which is just fine. Not everyone is adept at handling this whole new situation of their lives, which is the reason why confinement ladies come as Godsend angels to help.