How to reverse hair loss caused due to thyroid conditions?

Author: Venkateswara Diagnostic

The human body sheds close to 100 hair strands per day. Usually, in the normal course of time, these are replaced by new hair. However, in patients with thyroid diseases, the normal hair growth cycle is interrupted. These patients also lose more hair as compared to normal, thus, eventually leading to thinning of hair. Venkateswara Diagnostic Centre

Since thyroid hormones are essential to hair growth, it is important to understand that both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can lead to loss of hair. The thyroid-related hair loss is not restricted to an isolated area or patch and is usually generalized. The good news, however, is that the hair loss caused due to thyroid dysfunction is usually temporary and can easily be reversed with proper medication, venkateswara diagnostic centre medavakkam time and care.

Here are a few ways to reverse hair loss caused by thyroid conditions:

  • Treating the underlying cause: The most important step in stopping and reversing the damage to the hair is to work closely with your doctor to manage your thyroid condition. The doctor will prescribe either thyroid supplements such as levothyroxine for hypothyroidism or medications used to treat hyperthyroidism. The doctor may also recommend that you monitor your thyroid profile regularly. Once the thyroid levels are normalized, you can expect to see normal hair regrowth within a few months.

Monitor iron and nutrient status: Abnormal thyroid function often interferes with the intake and absorption of iron and other micronutrients. Micronutrients such as zinc, selenium, biotin, lysine and Vitamin B12 are often instrumental in promoting healthy hair growth. It is, therefore, important to replenish these essential nutrients in the body. Your doctor will prescribe necessary tests to investigate these deficiencies. On the basis of these tests, you can then take appropriate nutritional supplements, which will accelerate hair regrowth Diagnostic Centre in chennai.

  • Regulate your stress: High amounts of stress also causes fluctuations in the levels of a hormone called Cortisol. Cortisol is not only associated with abnormal thyroid levels, but also is a cause of impairment of natural hair growth.
  • Eat a balanced diet: In order for the body to recover fully from its disturbed metabolism, it is important that you eat nutrient-rich and whole foods, and follow a balanced diet. Stay away from junk food and processed food items, and instead include fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables and adequate sources of protein and calcium in your daily diet.
  • Avoid hair treatments or abuse: Using hair straighteners, curlers or heat alternatives to treat or style your hair at this stage can cause irreversible damage to the hair cuticles. It can also alter the quality of your hair permanently. Hence, you must stay away from these styling tools, as well as harsh hair products and chemicals that can worsen your hair loss and delay its recovery. Treat your hair gently, especially while washing and grooming it.
  • Take only those hair supplements that are prescribed by the doctor: The internet is often full of advice, recommending certain supplements for hair loss and promising quick results in terms of hair growth. Some of these can not only interfere with the absorption of your medications, but also can also cause potentially dangerous side effects to the body.

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