Why Choose Flutter to Grow Your App Developer Career?

Author: Hemendra Singh

The mobile app development is evolving each passing day beyond our imagination. Earlier, businesses preferred to develop websites to mark their online presence. However, with the increased use of smartphones all over the world, the priority has changed to mobile apps whether it is for Android or iOS devices.

Nowadays, another change is also being witnessed in the form of cross-platform app development and it is in trend in the field of mobile app development. Until a time, the app developers have to write apps separately for both the Android and iOS platforms and perform testing of codes as well. But with the emergence of cross-platform development, the app developers did not require writing separate code for both the platforms. They can use a single codebase and then compile it for both iOS and Android.

In the cross-platform development, there are several mobile frameworks available in the market, which not only offers the performance of the native apps but also availed users with amazing digital experiences. This includes AngularJS, Xamarin, React Native and others.

However, the Flutter that is a new player in the market is gaining popularity above all and becoming the first choice of app developers.

If you are looking for flutter app development and want to hire dedicated flutter developers. You can consider us- The NineHertz, leading mobile app development company based in Jaipur, India

Let’s get some basic information about the Flutter:

Flutter is an open-source software development kit for cross-platform mobile app development. It is created by Google and released in the app development industry in 2018. Flutter is based on Google’s programming language-Dart, which enables developers to write a single codebase for both the iOS and Android platforms.

Now let’s move to the reasons which support app developers’ career growth in the flutter app development.

Flutter Eliminates Imperfections of Typical Cross-platform Approaches

While implementing traditional cross-platform approaches, the developers have to deal with certain limitations due to which they end up creating numerous copies of the same product. These limitations further decoded as the user experience not being inherent as of the native applications. Because every time the UX was created using JavaScript.

However, with the Flutter that works on the "write once and run anywhere" approach, such limitation of user experience has been resolved. So, the Android and iOS developers won’t deal with such imperfections using flutter for a typical cross-platform approach.

Front-end and Back-end Development Using Single Codebase

With Flutter, the android app developers do not require shuffling between the front layout and backend. Because it uses a single language Dart along with a reactive framework.

Consequently, the developers are not required to write separate code for both the front-end and back-end. This not only makes app development easier but also saves time. That’s why shifting towards Flutter app development is the best option for android app developers.

Increases Developers Productivity

Flutter uses "Hot Reload" or "Stateful Hot Reload" or "Hot Restart" feature which provides output for any change made to a single line code in less than one second. On the other hand, if the changes are made to the app structure, it will be showcased within ten seconds.

To master this Hot Reload feature, the developers do not require much time, because every time you save, it happens by default. Using Flutter increases the productivity of the Android and iOS developers and reduces development time by 30% or more comparatively.

Easy of Access to Numerous Open-source Packages

Flutter provides a large set of open-source packages, which helps in creating apps faster by simplifying several complicated tasks. Thanks to Flutter growing community, which keeps this package library stay young while contributing actively every day.

Supports Various IDEs

Flutter provides support for various Integrated Development Environments. You can write code with any of the popular IDEs available in the market. Few of them are Android Studio, VS Code, IntelliJ, etc. A majority of Flutter developers use VS Code that is lightweight and relatively faster than others. Also, it shares several features from Android Studio as well. So, you can use different IDEs while developing cross-platform apps with Flutter.

Effortlessly Creates Powerful UI Experiences

Flutter uses the Material Design approach, which supports creating a powerful UI experience. You can easily produce a smooth, crisp experience as you noticed with the native applications.

However, if you want to insert the Human Interface Design specification in iOS, you can use widgets. They provide a native UI experience on iPhone and iPad as well.

UI Compliance- Everything is a Widget

The components used to develop a flutter app like the Drawer, App bar, Scaffold, Snackbar, etc are widgets. You can wrap these widgets one into another by considering a center widget. This provides an amazing visual appearance and UX experience, no matter on which platform widgets are running on.

Integration Ease With Firebase

Firebase is a tool that provides facilities like hosting, cloud storage, cloud functions, authentications, real-time databases, and others. It can easily be integrated with flutter and offers the mentioned services, which results in a reduction in time and resources while building the backend. Other than Firebase, there are other tools also available which ease up app development and release processes with automation. Like Fastlane that facilitates Continuous Delivery.

Flutter’s Availability on Desktop and the Web

Flutter on the Web is the prototype of the Flutter development team. This secret project named "Hummingbird" was showcased in front of the global audience during Flutter Live. Sooner, you would be able to use similar codebase for developing apps for mobile, desktop and the web.

Support from Flutter Team & Flutter Community

In the app development sector, however, the Flutter is not from a long time. Still, Flutter enjoys a huge team and community of developers. If you are trying Flutter for the first time and facing problems working on SDK, you can share your issues and ask for solutions on the Flutter community.

Final Words

These are the reasons which give cross-platform app development with Flutter an edge over mobile app development separately for Android and iOS platforms. So the Android app developers and iOS app developers can move to Flutter app development. It is less time and resource consuming. You can develop apps both for front-end and back-end using a single code base. The apps developed using Flutter provide an amazing visual appearance and user experience whether they are running on any platform.

Flutter is the most preferred cross-platform app development platform globally. If you are looking for a flutter mobile app development company and want to hire dedicated flutter developers, you can consider The NineHertz, a leading mobile app development company in India.