9 Ways To Be Safe While Driving A Truck

Author: Anirudh Shrikant

Truck driving is a responsible job. Most of the time you are alone with the truck tasked with the job of delivering the load safely at the desired destination. This job requires commitment and a sense of responsibility to complete the task as required. Safety and security are the two most important aspects that you should consider while doing truck driving jobs in Australia. While on the road, you are responsible not only for your safety but also for the safety of the truck, its load and those around you. It is your responsibility to follow safety standards laid down by the regulator. This will keep you and the goods safe. So, let us discuss the 9 ways in which you can stay safe while doing HC truck driving jobs in Brisbane.

  1. Avoid fidgeting with your phone while driving

Using the phone while driving is the single largest cause of road accidents in Australia. Modern smartphones are far more distracting and disturbing and can lead to serious accidents. As much as you are tempted to check the notifications or to read the text you heard your phone beep about, do not do so. Keep yourself and the load safe by not keeping your phone handheld while driving.

If you just cannot take your mind off when your phone knowing people are texting you or it is pinging to bring you the notifications, switch it off during your driving stretch. Put it on only during your stops or breaks. Also, if you need your phone for GPS, put your phone on silent and turn your notification pop-ups off so that they don’t appear on the screen. This way, there’s very little chance of your phone distracting you.

  1. Wear seatbelt

This is the first thing to do once you’ve entered the cabin and are ready to start to drive. Studies have shown that approximately 1 in 5 truck drivers doesn’t wear their seat belts while driving. It is critical that you understand that seatbelts are meant for safety. You cannot predict what can happen on a highway while doing HC truck driving jobs. The seat belt will, at least, will help maintain your safety by keeping you away from major injuries.

  1. Avoid alcohol and drugs

One should not drink alcohol while on the driving job. However, many drivers still indulge in alcohol abuse while driving. Alcohol blurs our vision and clouds our mind, resulting in a slow motor response, which is dangerous while driving. Use of drugs is completely prohibited, still, many drivers abuse this prohibition. Drug abuse is a far more heinous offence, and, a threat to yours and the safety of everything and everyone around you.

As a practice, keep away from alcohol and drugs a day or two before taking up the next driving or delivery project. This way, you’ll ensure that they are not in your system when you resume work after your breaks.

  1. Follow speed limits

We all know this rule but seldom do we follow it, especially, when we are on the interstate highways. We get compelled to press the accelerator when we find an empty road. But always remember that you are driving a heavy truck that is loaded to the brim with goods. And, a loaded truck, when running at a very high speed, is an invitation for disasters. So, follow speed limits while doing HC driving jobs in Brisbane. You have a family waiting at home for you.

  1. Plan your route

Anything can happen while on a long haul. Planning your route well in advance will help you identify the safe spots where you can rest for the night. It will help you identify the problem about a said route and allows you the opportunity to take diversions in the case of a problem. Planning your journey will also help you plan your eating habits, which could keep you healthy while on the long haul.

  1. Slow down while taking a turn

What you are driving is not a car that you will zoom past the curve with ease. It is a heavy and long truck, which will need considerable space to turn. So, it is always better to slow down and observe the nature of the road, watch for any oncoming or overtaking vehicular traffic and then negotiate the curve with ease. Slowing down gives you some precious extra seconds to think and react. These extra seconds, usually, are the difference between safety and a disaster.

  1. Maintain ample space while driving

Always maintain a comfortable distance in the front and on the sides while doing HC driving jobs on highways. This will give you an extra cushion if you were to apply emergency brakes to stop. Unlike small vehicles, large trucks cover a considerable distance before coming to halt. So, always keep that safe distance in mind while driving a heavy truck.

  1. Check the weather

Some places in Australia have unpredictable weather conditions. So, make sure that you are prepared for any kind of adverse weather conditions. Additionally, planning for your route in advance helps you to remain prepared for the conditions of the location you are headed to. Knowing the kind of weather you are expecting during your drive will help you plan your attire and food as well. This practice ensures that you are safe and are prepared for all kinds of weather conditions.

  1. Eat healthily and sleep well

Eat healthy food while driving. This will keep you physically fit and mentally healthy while doing HC driver jobs. Fast food joints look attractive and munching on oily foods is easy and mouthwatering. But, it is unhealthy for the body and a recipe for impending health disasters. Therefore, it is important that you eat food abundant in proteins and vitamins to keep yourself in better shape.

Bonus (important) tip

Another common reason for road accidents is sleep deprivation. Do not try to override sleep. It can lead to serious consequences. Whenever you feel sleepy, pull over to the side and take a short nap. This will relax you tremendously.


A truck driving job comes with major benefits. But, in order to enjoy them, you need to stay safe and maintain the safety norms while driving. If you are looking for HC driver jobs in Brisbane or wish to learn more about such tips while driving a truck in Australia.


It is important to follow safety measures while doing truck driving jobs. Visit 1800 Drivers to now more.