Got a Tingling Member? 5 Causes of Tingling in the Male Organ Every Man Needs to Know
When your reproductive region starts tingling, and not the good tingles, you need to pay attention! A tingly member can tell a man a lot about his midsection health and his overall health. When you feel that pins-and-needles feeling on your member, you need to find out fast what could be causing it and act accordingly. Here are 5 reasons you might be experiencing tingling in the male organ.
Tingling Member Cause #1: Kidney Stones
If you are feeling tingling in the male organ with a side of serious pressure, you may have kidney stones. This discomfort will evolve into a stabbing pain until you pass the stones via urinating them out. If the stone is too big, your doctor may need to use sound waves to break the large stone into small ones that, again, must be peed out. If you believe you have kidney stones, head to your doctor or ER immediately.
Tingling Member Cause #2: Paresthesia
Nerve damage causes this kind of tingling in the male organ. It’s mostly experienced by men who have diabetes or a chronic neurological condition like multiple sclerosis. Generally, this will be an entire body tingle, not just in the family jewels. See a doctor ASAP for treatment.
Tingling Member Cause #3: Contact Dermatitis
Also known as an allergic reaction, contact dermatitis is an irritation of the skin that happens when an intolerable foreign substance touches it. The usual offenders include detergents, soaps, body lotions, jewelry, and environmental allergens like poison ivy. In addition to tingling on the member, a rash will usually develop. Apply cortisone cream to help clear things up. If contact dermatitis is the consequence of a manhood piercing, the piercing must be removed.
Tingling Member Cause #4: Midsection Warts
Midsection warts are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). This one is a bit tricky since the member will feel a subtle tingling sensation just before the wart forms. Tingling will turn into an itchy feeling. The warts will appear as bumps, and although painless, they will be itchy while developing and can become bloody during intimate relations. The statistics say that more than 70 percent of people who have sensual contact with a person with HPV will develop warts in 3 months. There are vaccinations to ward against getting HPV, but those must be received prior to exposure. Also, having a high level of vitamin A can reduce the chance of both catching and spreading the disease. Go to the doctor as soon as symptoms materialize.
Tingling Member Cause #5: Midsection Herpes
The sensation men often described as "electrical" tingly could be midsection herpes. This issue is usually accompanied by breakouts on the member. Midsection herpes is an incurable partner-transmitted disease but can be managed successfully. Midsection herpes must be addressed immediately with a medical professional. You will also need to contact past sensual partners to tell them about the outbreak and to get tested. You will also need to inform all new partners prior to sensual contact, even if you aren’t having a flare-up.
5 Tips to Prevent Tingling in the Male Organ
A tingling member can be avoided most of the time. By making a meaningful effort to improve midsection health, not only can a man sidestep tingling in the male organ but also improve his midsection health overall. Here are 5 tips for avoiding a tingling member:
- Be sure to keep your annual checkup and disclose any and all issues you may be having.
- Treat any root diseases, such as multiple sclerosis, first and deal with the symptoms, such as tingling in the male organ, after.
- Practice safe intimacy. Not only do you need to use protection, but you also need to have a frank conversation about intimate status since conditions like HPV and midsection herpes can be contracted while using barrier methods.
- Always do a patch test when using any new products near the member, such as latex protection, body wash, and laundry detergent.
- Adhere to a good midsection grooming routine that includes a thoroughly washing daily with a mild cleanser, rinsing well, and applying a specially formulated male organ health oil (health professionals recommend