The Most Romantic Wedding: A Beach Wedding

Author: Rosa Spatola

A wedding is the most memorable, precious and joyful day for the both the soul mates. In this special event both of them take vows to remain honest, loyal and truthful throughout the life. They promise each other to spend the whole life with each other. We all wish our special event to become an extraordinary day as it comes only for once in the whole lifetime.

Everybody plans their wedding in order to make it more special. People sometimes spend a lot of money in this event. Hence, people should set the budget first. A wedding preparation can be a hectic and tough task so it’s better to appoint a wedding planner. A wedding planner can be a single person or an agency that does all the necessary things related to a wedding be it deciding the venue or selecting the floweriest. A wedding planner can offer the following services:

  • Setting up budget
  • Lodging for guests
  • Suggests bridal boutique and flowers
  • Appoint caterers, bakers
  • DJ’s
  • Music
  • Rehearsals or pre-wedding visits
  • Arrangement for transportation
  • Selecting invitation card designs
  • Coordinate wedding photographer and videographer
  • Suggesting wedding venues such as hotels, banquets etc.
  • Coordinating and managing the services
  • Preparing wedding certificate
  • May plan honeymoon

A wedding can be varied from culture to culture or place to place. It can also be the simple one or can be the luxurious one. But nowadays, people are getting attracted towards the beach wedding. There are many places across the globe which can be used to organize a beach wedding such as Italian beach wedding. This type of wedding can be more peaceful or relaxed as both the time i.e. sunrise and sunset are suitable time of it. However, preparations for a beach wedding can be different from the regular ones. Even the dresses have to be selected accordingly. Following are the things that should consider in a beach wedding:

  • Consider the weather: Before selecting any day or time, you should consider the weather first because nobody will like to have strong winds, rain or storm on that special day.
  • Facility of transportation: Select a venue that has a good transport facility so that, you and your guests will not have to face any transportation problem.
  • Know your venue: Do not select any beach blindly as it may ruin your plan. Knowing your venue is important so that, things can be managed easily.
  • Sand and wind: Sand and wind are the two things that a beach generally contains. So, a full length dresses should be avoided as they can be blown away by wind. Go for a simple yet stylish knee length dress that will not collect sand, dirt and crabs by dragging on the beach.

Though a beach wedding is quite difficult to manage as we have to consider many things apart from the normal issues but it can be the most romantic and the memorable event if managed properly.