Car Interior Cleaning: Even Your Car Needs to look great!

Author: My Zdegree

Your car is your ultimate driving machine and you should make every mile count. Be it a car enthusiast or a non-car enthusiast, everyone needs to look at getting their car fully detailed often to give it the best look all the time. Wondering how? It’s simple!

Well, we all know that car detailing comes up with cleaning and reconditioning the interior and exterior of the car. The only aim of detailing is to restore the paint of the car by removing scratch marks to make the car look almost brand new as it looked like when you first drove it out from the showroom.

Although many people think normal car washing and car interior washing are the same. But this is not the case. Car interior cleaning goes beyond the normal car washing to make a vehicle look spotlessly clean both inside and outside. Also, a car interior washing involves handwashing by very experienced detailers.

Before you go for a normal car wash, here’s what you need to know about the importance of car interior cleaning more than a normal car wash:

Why is interior car washing important?

A new car is always classy, luxurious and looks brand new because of the surface coating. With time, that classic and charismatic look fades away due to exposure to sunlight. As a result, the car looks old and undesirable. Well, giving your car an interior cleaning will:

  • Extend the lifespan of your vehicle–Interior car cleaning removes contaminants from damaging the car’s leather, vinyl, chrome and paint. A thorough car washing would help the car depreciate at a lower rate.

  • Improve the car’s physical appearance–A brand new car always sparkles and shines bright. But that's for a while. Despite regular washing, with time your car would definitely lose its appealing look. But with interior car washing, your car’s original appearance comes back. An experienced detailer would check for cleaning dust, dirt, scratches, odors, etc.

  • Maintain the paint condition–Your car’s paint can be affected by bird droppings, debris, dirt, etc which if regularly given a car wash, it would reduce the scratches. Wax restores that new-car shine and provides a protective barrier.

  • Clean up your car’s engine–With regular detailing, your car engine is cleaned off dust, leaks and dirt; thus ensuring that the engine runs more smoothly.

  • Extend the resale value–If you are planning to sell your car and get a high resale value then nothing would be better than giving your car a thorough interior cleaning. Experienced professionals keep themselves updated about market standards and customer preferences, so they can help you improve your car’s condition.

Types of car cleaning in detail:

Car cleaning is of two types: a) interior car washing, b) exterior car washing.

  1. Interior Car washing–As the name suggests, here the car is thoroughly cleaned from inside. Such as leather, plastics, vinyl, carbon fibre plastics and natural fibres.

They follow a standard process while interior car washing:

  • Vacuuming—The first step is vacuuming the seats, headliners, rear cargo area, trunk, and shelf and then comes the cleaning of the floor mats. Floor mats and the vacuuming is done separately.

  • Brushing and Steam Cleaning—This is done to clean carpets and mats. A thorough scrubbing is done to remove any stains and blemishes. It is made sure that mats get completely dried up before use.

  • Glass Cleaning–A thorough glass cleaning would ensure that the glass remains crystal clean and ensures that the driver’s view is not disturbed.

  • Leather Trimming–a Leather cleaner and leather soap are used to clean all the leather parts. If the leather is dry, a conditioner customized for leather is used to make cleaning more efficient.

  • Perfuming–Finally, when everything is done, a good deodorant is used in the car.

B. Exterior Car washing–It involves vacuuming, restoring, cleaning tires, windows and wheels, which also includes polishing and waxing.

  • Washing and Drying – Here car washing is done by hand. A high-powered spray is used on the car surface, followed by thorough hand washing on the rims of the car, door, glass and all exterior parts that need cleaning.

  • Claying–It is used to remove impurities, traces of over-spray and other residue that cannot be removed with normal detergents.

  • Sealing–To give the car a glossy shine, a sealant is applied after polishing.

To some, cars are life, to some, cars are love! So when it comes to quality service of the love of your life, never compromise on looking for a service centre that would not do justice to your car. Why compromise on its service when you have ZDEGREE as the leading interior car washing company in Dubai to give the best service as always.Zdegree is known for its commitments and customer service. So, before you start searching for "car wash near me", and also for car polishing in Dubai, quickly take a look on their official website and if interested click here to book an appointment to give your car a brand new look!