Why You May Need To Think Again Choice Short Term Disability Insurance?

Author: Shah Inc

Short term disability insurance is important because it doesn’t only protect your interests, but also the interest of the people around you. Some of the main reasons why you should definitely consider short term disability insurance are:

You have dependents

Having financial stability and security is that much more important if you have people that depend on you. This can be children, a spouse, your parents or someone you take care of that depends completely on you and your finances to go through the month.

Your wage is your major source of income

If you and the people around you depend completely on your salary, short term disability insurance can guarantee that if you’re unable to work for a certain period of time, you and them will still receive some sort of income to cover all the monthly expenses.

You have a risky job

If you work at some job that brings a risk of injury or a temporary disability, then short term disability insurance is a must for you. The probability of you experiencing injury is high enough as it is, and if your job increases that probability, you have to do something to protect your well being.

You want to have that safety in life

All in all, everyone wants to have peace of mind that they will be financially stable throughout their whole life. Having short term disability insurance can provide you with exactly that and let you live a peaceful, calm life.

Many tend to believe that short term disability insurance can only be received as a benefit through your employer, when in fact, that’s completely not true. You can also get it privately and that it called individual short term disability insurance.

So, how exactly do you get short term disability insurance on your own? The process is as follows:

First, you need to analyze the type of short term disability insurance policy you need. Do you need it to cover a potential injury, or for some medical expenses? How long will you need the benefits for, and how much benefits? All these are important questions you need to have an answer to before looking for an insurance provider.

Then, you need to analyze the quotes different providers offer. There are many online websites that can give you a quote based on a number of questions, or you can go directly to an insurance company to get it. The questions usually revolve around your personal information such as gender, age, height and weight, your occupation, your health state as well as your life habits.

Check now: short term disability insurance quote

And finally, based on the results you receive and the information you gather, you need to choose an insurance company where you will buy your short term disability insurance policy. Once you sign the agreement and the policy, you will start paying the monthly premiums for it.

When a person is injured and unable to work, they file a claim through their short term disability insurance provider. Once this claim is analyzed and all medical documentation checked, the person can start receiving monthly benefits, usually 40 to 60 percent of their weekly or monthly income. These benefits provide coverage usually anywhere from 9 to 52 weeks, but no longer than that. All short term disability insurance plans have different features.

The main difference between short term disability insurance received from the employer and the one you buy individually is that if you decide to switch jobs, the disability insurance policy is no longer your if you had received it from your employer, which is not the case with short term disability insurance bought individually. It stays yours no matter how many jobs you change and how frequently.

Every insurance provider offers short term disability insurance under their own terms. When you decide to purchase a short term disability insurance policy, it’s best to consult an insurance agent prior to that, so you can get an expert’s advice on what the best policy is for you and how you can obtain it.