What is the best time for Kailash Mansarovar Yatra?

Author: Divine Kailash

What is the best time for Kailash Mansarovar Yatra?

Kailash Mansarovar Yatra has enticed people from times immemorial. The journey to Mount Kailash is not just about spirituality and religious bliss. It is also a great way to explore and learn more about the Tibetan culture and experience their lifestyle closely. The place is held in high reverence by people of different religions such as Bon, Buddhists, Jains and Hindus.

The serene, turquoise-colored, Lake Mansarovar looks picturesque surrounded by Mount Kailash that looks splendid and magnificent placed at an altitude of 6638 meters. There are several religious beliefs that justify that a holy dip in the lake or a circumambulation around Mount Kailash (better known as Kailash Parikrama) can get one salvation or wash away all their sins.

Kailash Mansarovar — Religious significance

Both Mount Kailash and Lake Mansarovar have a rich history and are very significant religiously. According to the popular Hindu belief, Mount Kailash is home to Lord Shiva. Yet another belief suggests the site as the place where Lord Shiva meditated along with his wife Parvati. In terms of mythology, the mountain also finds a mention in Vishnu Purana that suggests that the four different sides of Mount Kailash are formed of gold, ruby, crystal and lapis respectively. The mountain is called the ‘pillar of the world’ and is known to represent a Lotus because of its placement amidst six different mountain ranges.

As for Lake Mansarovar, Hindus believe it to be the first lake that was created in Lord Brahma’s mind. Buddhists associate the lake with their religious Guru, Guru Rimpoche who is known to have established Buddhism in the region between the 7th and the 8th centuries. The Lake also finds a mention in several Buddhist literatures.

Best time for Kailash Mansarovar Yatra

The best time to take up the Kailash Mansarovar Trek is from May to October which is the summer and monsoon season in the region. The temperatures can vary from 10 degrees Celsius to 15 degrees Celsius. Both the temperatures and the weather at this time are much better and comfortable when compared to the winter season that is very cold. They are ideal not just for the yatra but also for other outdoor activities such as trekking, mountaineering and visiting the other tourist attractions around.

Another good reason to take up the Kailash Mansarovar Yatra at this time of the year is the Saga Dawa Festival that is conducted during this time. It is a Tibetan Buddhist festival that is celebrated as a tribute to Lord Buddha’s life journey. As a part of the ritual during the celebrations, the existing prayer flagpole is replaced with a new one. Several hundreds of colorful prayer flags are tied to the flagpole where each flag represents a prayer.

Even though it is a comfortable time to travel to this place, it is highly suggested that you carry enough warm clothes since there are several snowy trails en route.

The entire yatra can take about 23 to 25 days and can be concluded either at New Delhi, Dharchula or Gangtok depending on the route that has been selected by the yatris. Kailash Manasarovar Yatra by Helicopter is undoubtedly among some of the most challenging treks. It does not just go to an astounding altitude of 19,500 feet but also involves making through extreme weather conditions, rugged terrains and inhospitable conditions.

A number of trekkers trekking to the region succumb due to these challenges but that does not stop several thousands of pilgrims from taking up the Yatra every year! It is still is regarded as one among the most famous pilgrimage destinations.