How to beat Google Crawlers with content that is even liked by Humans?

Author: Sachin Devmurari

Websites have content, and

these content

are measured or indexed by search engines, we all know this essential thing, but, what should be the content? To rank in the top ten results most of the time, people never go past the first page of


(Search Engine Result Pages).

If you are SEO and the above lines are like an indication of

some kind, you must have experienced it already, many times. You will see marketers and businesses running errands on finding that big secret to top-ranking content.

But, there is no magic here, except the fact that search engines have crawlers that index your pages and content so, as we say, its Human Vs. Machine, it is about content being human-friendly or crawler friendly.

Let us dig a little deeper to understand the true essence of your website for getting that human thing with active crawling!

Content Expectancy:

What do Humans expect? - Humans expect unique and thought-provoking content that provides value to their time spent reading the content. Apart from the fact that

77% of internet users daily read the blog posts.

So, you need unique and organic content to outsmart the other 69 million articles by the end of the month! But what about crawlers? Are they more important than humans? After all, they are just machines.

Crawlers or bots are programmed software that searches the internet for

URL that represents pages of your site or says linked back to your site. Further, it stores and organizes the content on the page of the respective URL during the crawling process. Then these pages are indexed according to the search by users for relative keywords.

Your core content should be:

  • Organic

  • Well Researched

  • Authoritative

  • Trustworthy

  • And most importantly completely original

Crawlers better know your core content as MC or original content, it is the essential content of your page that defines your vision and ultimate goal for web page creation.

Then there is supplementary content, which assists your main content in delivering the right message to readers. Apart from MC and SC, some ads generate revenue for websites. Some websites rely on ads for sustainability.

So, keeping the ads to a minimum is advisable as crawlers don't index web pages with too many ads higher, and users are irritated from ads and use blockers to get rid of

advertisements. However, you can get creative and use ads as an integral part of the content without pop-ups and sliders by using


Crawling Economy:

Content may be a king, but you need to plan your URLs that the bots will crawl for during the crawling. Crawl budget is like telling the Google crawlers, where to look, so they don't waste their time on unimportant pages and stick to the pages most relevant to your website.

Crawl Budget is essential to your site when it has several pages and sections that are updated regularly. Google crawlers are excellent at crawling, and they will find your pages irrespective of your efforts to redirect the bots. As Google,

itself states that the crawl rate limit is there to save website servers from overloading.

Crawl budget optimization:

  • Reduce faceted navigations

  • Keep your URLs short.

  • Use Canonical links for your on-site duplicate content.

  • Error Pages are never welcome.

  • Keep your page security intact, and Google will immediately rule out hacked pages.

  • Limit your infinite spaces caused by extensive links with no value.

  • Always refrain from

    spammy content.

Note: According to Google, the Crawl budget is a mixture of crawl limit and crawl demand. Crawl Demand is how much Google bots want to crawl your pages?

Visual Aspect:

Visual Appeal of your content is attractive

for both humans as well as machines. Images placed well

with the context of the content attracts more visitors and also encourages higher Social sharing of the material.


84% of marketers believe in the practical usage of infographics for their higher ROI, there is no denial of the fact that images remain to be an essential part of the content.

Then some

videos add

necessary elements of thought leadership and actionable content through better visual learning. But, it would be best if you had the content planned as per the requirement of the audiences and search engine crawlers.

  • Keep the size of images to be optimized as it can slow your web pages.

  • Slow web pages are never human-friendly nor crawl-friendly.

  • Optimize the video size for better page loads.

  • The content of the video should be in sync with the content of the page.

  • Keep the length of a video in mind as your readers will have to read your content too.

Even the search engine giant Google says that

6 in 10 people prefer watching online videos than live TV. It shows the kind of visual impact videos have on audiences.

Page Scheme:

Google crawlers have a preset of page schematics to look for, and as an SEO, we all know the importance of Robot.txt. It is a unique format in which data related to your pages are kept in repositories for crawlers to crawl.

To make your URLs to be the

torchbearer to your essential links and keep indexing optimized, here are few things to keep in mind regarding your page schematics.

  • Page hierarchy should be well defined to assist your readers and crawlers.

  • Navigation between the pages should be kept swift and smooth.

  • Use proper interlinking and

    backlinking through content on other websites to increase traffic.

  • Avoid too many unnecessary tabs on the


  • Use sliders and sidebars to optimize navigation.

  • Keep a minimalistic approach to your menus, tabs, and submenus.

Responsive & Reactive:


3.5 billion people own a smartphone, and search engine giants would not want to miss out on

the largest platform on earth, with

45.12% of the human population clung over their smartphones!

Here, the point is simple, to provide content anywhere, anytime, and accessible quickly. It is envisaged in the crawling process of significant search engine crawlers, including Google.

Google's core updates on website SEO

guidelines stats the importance of mobile-friendly web pages. If you have to compete with feature-rich apps developed by the

mobile app development process, web pages need unique responsive design and

ability to adjust the content, screens, and layouts according to varying screen sizes.

Signing Off:

As the SEO paradigm advances into a new year, it will see further changes with every new core update from Google and other search engines.

Last year, we saw a significant impact of updates like E-A-T

(Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthy), YMYL pages

(Your Money Your Life), and many others on the SEO strategies of website owners and content creators.

With businesses like e-commerce and

fintechs, relying heavily on content marketing for their promotional campaigns, SEO has high prospects. But, understanding the needs of your consumers and search engine crawlers will dominate the SEO strategies in the coming years.

Websites have content, and these content are measured or indexed by search engines, we all know this essential thing, but, what should be the content? To rank in the top ten results most of the time, people never go past the first page of SERP(Search Engine Result Pages).

If you are SEO and the above lines are like an indication of some kind, you must have experienced it already, many times. You will see marketers and businesses running errands on finding that big secret to top-ranking content.

But, there is no magic here, except the fact that search engines have crawlers that index your pages and content so, as we say, its Human Vs. Machine, it is about content being human-friendly or crawler friendly.

Let us dig a little deeper to understand the true essence of your website for getting that human thing with active crawling!

Content Expectancy:

What do Humans expect? - Humans expect unique and thought-provoking content that provides value to their time spent reading the content. Apart from the fact that

77% of internet users daily read the blog posts.

So, you need unique and organic content to outsmart the other 69 million articles by the end of the month! But what about crawlers? Are they more important than humans? After all, they are just machines.

Crawlers or bots are programmed software that searches the internet for URL that represents pages of your site or says linked back to your site. Further, it stores and organizes the content on the page of the respective URL during the crawling process. Then these pages are indexed according to the search by users for relative keywords.

Your core content should be:

  • Organic

  • Well Researched

  • Authoritative

  • Trustworthy

  • And most importantly completely original

Crawlers better know your core content as MC or original content, it is the essential content of your page that defines your vision and ultimate goal for web page creation.

Then there is supplementary content, which assists your main content in delivering the right message to readers. Apart from MC and SC, some ads generate revenue for websites. Some websites rely on ads for sustainability.

So, keeping the ads to a minimum is advisable as crawlers don't index web pages with too many ads higher, and users are irritated from ads and use blockers to get rid of advertisements. However, you can get creative and use ads as an integral part of the content without pop-ups and sliders by using linkbacks.

Crawling Economy:

Content may be a king, but you need to plan your URLs that the bots will crawl for during the crawling. Crawl budget is like telling the Google crawlers, where to look, so they don't waste their time on unimportant pages and stick to the pages most relevant to your website.

Crawl Budget is essential to your site when it has several pages and sections that are updated regularly. Google crawlers are excellent at crawling, and they will find your pages irrespective of your efforts to redirect the bots. As Google, itself states that the crawl rate limit is there to save website servers from overloading.

Crawl budget optimization:

  • Reduce faceted navigations

  • Keep your URLs short.

  • Use Canonical links for your on-site duplicate content.

  • Error Pages are never welcome.

  • Keep your page security intact, and Google will immediately rule out hacked pages.

  • Limit your infinite spaces caused by extensive links with no value.

  • Always refrain from spammy content.

Note: According to Google, the Crawl budget is a mixture of crawl limit and crawl demand. Crawl Demand is how much Google bots want to crawl your pages?

The Visual Aspect:

Visual Appeal of your content is attractive for both humans as well as machines. Images placed well with the context of the content attracts more visitors and also encourages higher Social sharing of the material.


84% of marketers believe in the practical usage of infographics for their higher ROI, there is no denial of the fact that images remain to be an essential part of the content.

Then some videos add necessary elements of thought leadership and actionable content through better visual learning. But, it would be best if you had the content planned as per the requirement of the audiences and search engine crawlers.

  • Keep the size of images to be optimized as it can slow your web pages.

  • Slow web pages are never human-friendly nor crawl-friendly.

  • Optimize the video size for better page loads.

  • The content of the video should be in sync with the content of the page.

  • Keep the length of a video in mind as your readers will have to read your content too.

Even the search engine giant Google says that

6 in 10 people prefer watching online videos than live TV. It shows the kind of visual impact videos have on audiences.

Page Scheme:

Google crawlers have a preset of page schematics to look for, and as an SEO, we all know the importance of Robot.txt. It is a unique format in which data related to your pages are kept in repositories for crawlers to crawl.

To make your URLs to be the torchbearer to your essential links and keep indexing optimized, here are few things to keep in mind regarding your page schematics.

  • Page hierarchy should be well defined to assist your readers and crawlers.

  • Navigation between the pages should be kept swift and smooth.

  • Use proper interlinking and backlinking through content on other websites to increase traffic.

  • Avoid too many unnecessary tabs on the homepage.

  • Use sliders and sidebars to optimize navigation.

  • Keep a minimalistic approach to your menus, tabs, and submenus.

Responsive & Reactive:


3.5 billion people own a smartphone, and search engine giants would not want to miss out on the largest platform on earth, with

45.12% of the human population clung over their smartphones!

Here, the point is simple, to provide content anywhere, anytime, and accessible quickly. It is envisaged in the crawling process of significant search engine crawlers, including Google.

Google's core updates on website SEO guidelines stats the importance of mobile-friendly web pages. If you have to compete with feature-rich apps developed by the

mobile app development process, web pages need unique responsive design and ability to adjust the content, screens, and layouts according to varying screen sizes.

Signing Off:

As the SEO paradigm advances into a new year, it will see further changes with every new core update from Google and other search engines.

Last year, we saw a significant impact of updates like E-A-T(Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthy), YMYL pages(Your Money Your Life), and many others on the SEO strategies of website owners and content creators.

With businesses like e-commerce and fintechs, relying heavily on content marketing for their promotional campaigns, SEO has high prospects. But, understanding the needs of your consumers and search engine crawlers will dominate the SEO strategies in the coming years.

Websites have content, and these content are measured or indexed by search engines, we all know this essential thing, but, what should be the content? To rank in the top ten results most of the time, people never go past the first page of SERP(Search Engine Result Pages).

If you are SEO and the above lines are like an indication of some kind, you must have experienced it already, many times. You will see marketers and businesses running errands on finding that big secret to top-ranking content.

But, there is no magic here, except the fact that search engines have crawlers that index your pages and content so, as we say, its Human Vs. Machine, it is about content being human-friendly or crawler friendly.

Let us dig a little deeper to understand the true essence of your website for getting that human thing with active crawling!

Content Expectancy:

What do Humans expect? - Humans expect unique and thought-provoking content that provides value to their time spent reading the content. Apart from the fact that

77% of internet users daily read the blog posts.

So, you need unique and organic content to outsmart the other 69 million articles by the end of the month! But what about crawlers? Are they more important than humans? After all, they are just machines.

Crawlers or bots are programmed software that searches the internet for URL that represents pages of your site or says linked back to your site. Further, it stores and organizes the content on the page of the respective URL during the crawling process. Then these pages are indexed according to the search by users for relative keywords.

Your core content should be:


Well Researched



And most importantly completely original

Crawlers better know your core content as MC or original content, it is the essential content of your page that defines your vision and ultimate goal for web page creation.

Then there is supplementary content, which assists your main content in delivering the right message to readers. Apart from MC and SC, some ads generate revenue for websites. Some websites rely on ads for sustainability.

So, keeping the ads to a minimum is advisable as crawlers don't index web pages with too many ads higher, and users are irritated from ads and use blockers to get rid of advertisements. However, you can get creative and use ads as an integral part of the content without pop-ups and sliders by using linkbacks.

Crawling Economy:

Content may be a king, but you need to plan your URLs that the bots will crawl for during the crawling. Crawl budget is like telling the Google crawlers, where to look, so they don't waste their time on unimportant pages and stick to the pages most relevant to your website.

Crawl Budget is essential to your site when it has several pages and sections that are updated regularly. Google crawlers are excellent at crawling, and they will find your pages irrespective of your efforts to redirect the bots. As Google, itself states that the crawl rate limit is there to save website servers from overloading.

Crawl budget optimization:

Reduce faceted navigations

Keep your URLs short.

Use Canonical links for your on-site duplicate content.

Error Pages are never welcome.

Keep your page security intact, and Google will immediately rule out hacked pages.

Limit your infinite spaces caused by extensive links with no value.

Always refrain from spammy content.

Note: According to Google, the Crawl budget is a mixture of crawl limit and crawl demand. Crawl Demand is how much Google bots want to crawl your pages?

The Visual Aspect:

Visual Appeal of your content is attractive for both humans as well as machines. Images placed well with the context of the content attracts more visitors and also encourages higher Social sharing of the material.


84% of marketers believe in the practical usage of infographics for their higher ROI, there is no denial of the fact that images remain to be an essential part of the content.

Then some videos add necessary elements of thought leadership and actionable content through better visual learning. But, it would be best if you had the content planned as per the requirement of the audiences and search engine crawlers.

Keep the size of images to be optimized as it can slow your web pages.

Slow web pages are never human-friendly nor crawl-friendly.

Optimize the video size for better page loads.

The content of the video should be in sync with the content of the page.

Keep the length of a video in mind as your readers will have to read your content too.

Even the search engine giant Google says that

6 in 10 people prefer watching online videos than live TV. It shows the kind of visual impact videos have on audiences. Page Scheme:

Google crawlers have a preset of page schematics to look for, and as an SEO, we all know the importance of Robot.txt. It is a unique format in which data related to your pages are kept in repositories for crawlers to crawl.

To make your URLs to be the torchbearer to your essential links and keep indexing optimized, here are few things to keep in mind regarding your page schematics.

Page hierarchy should be well defined to assist your readers and crawlers.

Navigation between the pages should be kept swift and smooth.

Use proper interlinking and backlinking through content on other websites to increase traffic.

Avoid too many unnecessary tabs on the homepage.

Use sliders and sidebars to optimize navigation.

Keep a minimalistic approach to your menus, tabs, and submenus.

Responsive & Reactive:


3.5 billion people own a smartphone, and search engine giants would not want to miss out on the largest platform on earth, with 45.12% of the human population clung over their smartphones!

Here, the point is simple, to provide content anywhere, anytime, and accessible quickly. It is envisaged in the crawling process of significant search engine crawlers, including Google.

Google's core updates on website SEO guidelines stats the importance of mobile-friendly web pages. If you have to compete with feature-rich apps developed by the

mobile app development process, web pages need unique responsive design and ability to adjust the content, screens, and layouts according to varying screen sizes.Signing Off:

As the SEO paradigm advances into a new year, it will see further changes with every new core update from Google and other search engines.

Last year, we saw a significant impact of updates like E-A-T(Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthy), YMYL pages(Your Money Your Life), and many others on the SEO strategies of website owners and content creators.

With businesses like e-commerce and fintechs, relying heavily on content marketing for their promotional campaigns, SEO has high prospects. But, understanding the needs of your consumers and search engine crawlers will dominate the SEO strategies in the coming years.