C2040-926, Managing and Maintaining IBM Lotus Notes and Domino 8.5 Environments
Managing & Maintaining IBM Lotus Notes &Domino 8.5 Environments exam is intended to make you IBM certified system administrator. You can attempt this exam either in English or Japanese as per your feasibility. Total number of questions included in this exam is seventy three percent. Time allowed for answering all multiple choice questions is one hour and thirty seconds. It is indispensible for test aspirants to obtain at least seventy two percent score for passing the exam successfully.
Seven key competency areas covering Lotus Notes Domino 8.5 material actually makes up this exam and you need to prepare for it accordingly. These competency areas include Defining and Managing Policies, Installation & Configuration, Mail, Platform Support, Manage & Maintain, Managing Servers and Security.
C2040-926 test is designed and introduced for skilled Domino 8 system administrators in particular. But system administrators who are new to Domino platform and are in need of planning, installing and managing the Lotus Domino 8.5 servers as well as the users can also attempt this exam. By passing the exam they will become IBM Certified System Administrator - Lotus Notes and Domino 8.5 Environments.
Earning this certificate means that you are now fully capable of performing the tasks related to management and maintenance of Lotus & Domino version 8.5 environments. This credential will also demonstrate your expertise associated with growth in expansion of Domino infrastructure by means of significant areas of clustering, extensive monitoring configurations along with replication or mail routing topologies etc.
Qualifying for any IBM certification exam is not an easy task. However, you can make it much simple by getting hold on online available training kits. After fulfilling the IBM recommended prerequisite knowledge and skills, you can get registered for C2040-926 certification exam and then prepare for the same with devotion. In view of that, you must have good understanding of installing, configuring, mailing, messaging, management and maintenance of Domino environment. Moreover, you should have knowledge of managing servers & security, Domino Attachment & Object Service utilization, defining Domino attributes, Lotus Traveler implementation and also the deployment, implementation and administration of ID Vault.
Now matter of fact is how to get the bet fitting test preparation material. No worries as online accessibility of study guides for preparing the exam is the best thing to bring into play. Nevertheless, never compromise over the quality and always tend to purchase guaranteed exam guideline material. It would be better to place online order for advanced study material from your selected reliable vendor. Exclusive training material and practice exam are now available for aspiring candidates to pass the exam and become IBM certified personnel to secure their professional life. Comprehensive model of sample questions and answers are also in easy reach of individuals.
Just download the guidelines and preparation kits even in PDF format after payment is done. You can access your required material and can download in any compatible device installed with PDF files readers as any web content is widely used in this format across the globe.
CertifyGuide provides full Preparation Material for its candidates to pass exam in first try using our C2040-926 Latest Exam and C2040-925 Study Guides.