Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo – Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

Author: Francine Kanter

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (or BPPV) is one of the most common causes of vertigo – this condition alone accounts for more than approximately 15% of all the cases reported with vertigo. As the name suggests, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is characterized by paroxysms (episodes) of mild dizziness, triggered by specific changes in the position of the head. For example, it may be triggered when you get up from bed or when you turn the neck sideways.

Mechanism & Causes

Before we talk about the cause, let us brush up with a brief understanding of the inner ear. Primarily, the inner ear consists of the cochlea and semi-circular canals that are connected to the fluid-filled vestibule. The cochlea is concerned with hearing, whereas semi-circular canals are responsible for maintaining the balance and posture of the body. During head movements, the fluid in the canals moves the fine hair present within which, in turn, stimulates the sensory (vestibular) nerve. This way, the brain receives information about the position of the head with respect to the body.

Thus, the vestibular labyrinth of the inner ear contains fluid-filled semi-circular canals that monitor the position of the head and help us in maintaining balance. Small particles of calcium carbonates, referred to as otoliths or otoconia, are generally present in the utricle of the inner ear that gets dislodged sometimes and floats in the vestibular fluid as debris. Post dislodgement, these otoliths are referred to as canaliths. In BPPV, the canaliths enter into the semi-circular canals (mostly posterior) and move during the head movement, causing stimulation of the hair that signal the brain. But the information received by the brain from the other ear is not the same, and this imbalance of information received causes vertigo. The bout of vertigo is often due to movement, short-lasting, and intense.

The cause for the dislodgement may be degenerative changes, infections of the inner ear, direct blows around the ear, head injuries, etc.

Signs & Symptoms

  • Nausea & Dizziness
  • Vertigo
  • Loss of balance
  • Nystagmus
  • Lightheadedness
  • Treatment


Since BPPV is primarily a functional disorder, most of the imaging can turn out to be negative. Despite that doctor can ask to go for a Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to rule out other causes of imbalance, mainly organic causes like cerebellar tumors or an acoustic neuroma (vestibular schwannoma), which is a non-cancerous tumor of the nerve that carries sound and balance information from the inner ear to the brain.

Homeopathic Treatment

Usually, the condition remains benign and is not severe, but frequent and intense bouts are a great source of the disturbance. This is where the use of homeopathic, natural remedies for vertigo comes into play. Homeopathy believes in restoring the lost balance within the semi-circular canals through its deep-acting medicines. It not only relieves symptomatic affection but also prevents the recurrence of symptoms in the future. The common homeopathic remedies that are used in cases of BPPV are Conium, Ferrum-met, Cocculus, Rhus Toxicodendron, Causticum, and Argentum Nitricum.

Before you ask yourself, “Where can I find the best homeopathic doctor near me?” you should understand that no two cases of BPPV are similar… and what works for one person may not work for you. But with time, patience, and determination, you will be able to beat the condition.