C6040-753, Retail Store Solutions - 4690 Technical Solutions

Author: Jodie Fry

As technology advances, demand for highly qualified and certified professionals is also growing at the same rate. Hence to keep up with the industry trends and catching the opportunities for prosperous career life, IBM certification is the best choice to bring into play. To earn any of the IBM credentials, you need to get registered for the same after fulfilling recommended prerequisites and then be prepared for the associated exam.

Likewise to become IBM Certified Specialist - Retail Store Solutions: 4690 Technical Solutions, you have to pass C6040-753 test. Total number of questions you have to attempt in this exam is seventy five. Time duration of 120 minutes is given to test candidates for answering all queries. Required passing percentage for the exam is set to be sixty nine percent, means you have to acquire this much score to claim for the associated IBM certification of Retail Store Solutions-4690 Technical Solutions.

Once you become certified personnel dealing with Retail Store 4690 Technical Solutions, you would be competent enough to translate retail store business needs into technical ones with the target of delivering a 4690-based solution by means of best fitting hardware, middleware, software and services.

This would more easily be accomplished if the successful candidate can demonstrate technology plus product knowledge, together with capabilities to plan, design, execute, and ongoing client technical support. Moreover, he will typically have at least one year of experience in 4690 POS solutions implementation.

C6040-753, Retail Store Solutions - 4690 Technical Solutions certification exam contains six domains covering variety of objectives. These domains include Technical Requirements Definition (16%), Solution Architecture (19%), Solution Presentation (15%), Solution Integration (20%), Problem Management (17%) and Project Management & Planning (13%). To prepare for the exam, you have to get hold on study material which covers all these domains coupled with objectives included herein. Prior to this, you must have accomplished IBM prerequisite knowledge and skills to become eligible to be appeared in C6040-753 certification exam.

Therefore, you must have an experience of one year in POS solutions implementation. You should also have experience in setting up, installing and configuring, testing, demonstrating and leading the POS environments. It would be plus if you have participated in numerous implementations of client 4690 POS solutions. Furthermore, you need to have all inclusive understanding about 4690 operating system, architecture, features, functions as well as the utilities. You should also have knowledge of IBM Retail POS hardware product along with basic know-how about networking & communications, 4690 OS capabilities, integration plus connectivity potential and environment, retail industry metrics & operations as well as the project management techniques plus principles applied to retail environment. Knowledge of entire rollout process right from planning, designing, testing & piloting via chain wide installation and expertise in problem determination, software maintenance and recovery methodologies should also be at your record. In addition, you should have fundamental knowledge of features and functions of RSS products so as to be part of 4690-based solution like DIF, RMA and Store Integrator.

With these skills and knowledge make use of online available appropriate and guaranteed test training kits to get ready for the exam to be passed successfully.

CertifyGuide offer authentic service to build solid foundation in any IT career using our affordable and workable study material regarding C6040-753 Exam and C6040-754 Certification Test.