Tips To Prevent Tooth Decay From SpreadingGetting unexpected intolerable pain when you eat anything?
Getting unexpected intolerable pain when you eat anything? Or noticing a dark mark on your gum line when you brush your teeth?
These all are common signs of a cavity that needs your dentist attention.
Tooth decay is the most common form of disease. Tooth decay are preventable in children and adults. Tooth decay is the damaged structure of your tooth that has changed into a small hole in your enamel. Plaque is the common cause for this tooth decay, a sticky bacterial film that continuously form on your teeth.
Plaque produce acids that attack on enamel. The plaque keeps these acids in contact with your teeth and after some time the tooth enamel can break down.
Ways To Prevent The Spread Of Tooth Decay
During the early stage of tooth decay it is not noticeable. In other words we can say that tooth decay is not visible to our eyes. Due to this reason daily dental checkups are important.
If you go to daily checkup, your professional dentist can examine your teeth with the help of X-rays to ensure that your teeth are strong and healthy. To prevent any decay this is the best method.
If the cavity occurs so it impossible to replace your teeth to its original phase. If you ever notice a cavity in your teeth then immediately consult emergency dentist in Rochdale.
It is impossible to stop decay from spreading even if you daily brush and floss your teeth. It is important to visit your professional dentist because he can help you with a dental filling.
The process of dental filling is easy and painless. First, the affected tooth area is removed, then the infected area is cleaned. Then the space is filled using a restorative material. Actually this material is composite resin which is made from a natural tooth colored material so that no one can notice it.
What happens If You Do Not Bother About Decay?
It is impossible to see tooth decay with eyes in its early stages. A tiny cavity immediately convert into a dental emergency in a few months or week, it depends. If the tooth decay develops through the tooth, then the bacteria can move into the pulp deeply where the dental pulp, roots, and nerves are located, resulting in an abscess, which is harmful and also painful. Your tooth start to break or crack because it weakens your tooth.
A dental filling cannot repair your teeth if it is abscessed or cracked. The next process to repair your teeth is a root canal or a tooth extraction.
Prevention Method Before it starts
Before it starts, preventing tooth decay is the best thing to be done. Following are some common ways to prevent tooth decay.
Drink More Water
Water is important for your body, where it improves your physical health and dental health. Food particles that stick on your teeth can easily be washes with water, which is the main reason for the formation of plaques. Water also help in discharge of saliva, which protects your teeth from the formation of plaque.
Limit Sugar
Water is important for your teeth health however sugar is just opposite to it. Foods that are made up of sugar like sticky candies, sugared gum, chocolates, can destroy your teeth and overall dental health.
Follow Good Dental Habits
To prevent tartar build-up, tooth decay, and plaque, brush your teeth twice a day, in morning and before going to sleep and floss at least once a day after meal. This is important thing to keep your teeth healthy. Always use a soft-bristled toothbrush and follow proper brushing techniques.
Visit Your Dentist Regularly
As discuss above, visit your dentist for oral examination regularly or atleast twice a year. Apart from following proper oral habits, consult emergency dentist in Stockport to keeps away from different dental issues in the future.