Best golf simulator
Golf Simulator 101
Welcome to our first indoor golf simulator blog. We are going to start by talking about the basics of building your first indoor golf simulator from planning to budget to actually building your indoor golf simulator. Once you have made the great decision to install a indoor golf simulator, you have to deThere are 3 options. Ceiling mount is typically 9-12 ft from the golf impact screen. Floor mount requires our ventilated floor mount box and ultra short throw projector. Mounts 5-7 ft from golf impact screen. Last is frame mount on our 1 1/4 inch aluminum frame. Mounts 9-12 ft. Another consideration in setting up your indoor golf simulator is whether you want right hand only or right/left hand. Right hand only requires 10 ft if width. This will put the golf simulator base more to the right side of the indoor golf simulator setup. 3-4 ft from the right and 6-7 ft from the left. If you can do a 12 ft indoor golf simulator setup, that aloows you to almost center the sensor. 5 ft from right and 7 ft from left. To setup RH/LH setup, you need 14-15 ft if width on your indoor. Thiss allows you to center the base in the midddle. Electrical is another factor in setting up your indoor. Typically a dedicated outlet on the right side of the indoor is all you need. Just plug in a 5 prong surge protector and you are all set. Of course your projector needs power as well. Most of the projector cables run down the golf enclosure if you are setting up a typical 10 ft deep golf enclosure. If you are setting up a shorter indoor, then you will have 3 cables running to the rightside of the setup. A power cable, vga cable and a HDMI cable. Lighting on your indoor depends on the system you go with. With optishot and skytrak golf, the less light the better. You dont want any light directly overhead the optishot golf sensor or on the skytrak. With Protee nd Trugolf, they require a special halogen light over the sensors. These are provided in our golf simulator packages and mount to the frame of ceiling on a track. At Spectrum Golf, we are here to guide you through the entire process of setting up your ultimate indoor golf simulator. Just drop us an email with pics and dimensions of your space and we wil provide a complete layout showing you the optimum way to set up your indoor golf simulator.
termine where it will go and how it will effect the rest of your house. The key selling point of a indoor to your spouse is it doubles as a home theater for them to watch movies with the rest of the family and friends. A typically golf enclosure can have a 140- 180 inch diagonal screen for viewing That makes a 60 inch TV look like an ipad! Once you watch a football game or movie on a screen thats 2-3 times larger than most Tv, you will never go back! Space requirments are the most imporant factor in building your indoor golf simulator. Most homes are limited to 8 ft ceilings, you need 9-10 to have a indoor golf simulator. That might eliminate most family rooms, basements and dens. You might be stuck setting a indoor r in the garage. But dont worry, Spectrum Golf has golf enclosures that will still allow you to pull your car into the garage. Climate control is another factor in putting a indoor golf simulator into a garage. Temperatures abouve 90 and below freezing can effect the projector, computer and sensors on your indoor golf simulator. They need to be brought in when the temperature changes for the worst. Mounting the projector is another issue on setting up your indoor. There are 3 options. Ceiling mount is typically 9-12 ft from the golf impact screen. Floor mount requires our ventilated floor mount box and ultra short throw projector. Mounts 5-7 ft from golf impact screen. Last is frame mount on our 1 1/4 inch aluminum frame. Mounts 9-12 ft. Another consideration in setting up your indoor golf simulator is whether you want right hand only or right/left hand. Right hand only requires 10 ft if width. This will put the base more to the right side of the indoor golf simulator setup. 3-4 ft from the right and 6-7 ft from the left. If you can do a 12 ft indoor setup, that aloows you to almost center the sensor. 5 ft from right and 7 ft from left. To setup RH/LH setup, you need 14-15 ft if width on your indoor Thiss allows you to center the golf simulator base in the midddle. Electrical is another factor in setting up your indoor golf simulator. Typically a dedicated outlet on the right side of the indoor golf simulator is all you need. Just plug in a 5 prong surge protector and you are all set.