Benefits of Using On line job Portals to Find Jobs in India
Benefits of Using On line job Portals to Find Jobs in India
The landscape of employment has changed drastically with the sky-rocketing popularity of the internet. The more the access to the worldwide web gained by the youth and young working professional, the bigger their horizons. Nothing in the name of accessibility can now impede their progress, with the availability of internet in remote and rural areas, the average Indian jobseeker is never too far from the internet.
It was natural that among the first things to gain wide reaching popularity in the internet was seeking jobs, closely following online retail purchasing as the main reason why people are online. The late 90s (1997-1999) saw the establishment of several key players in the online model based employment industry, a curious and eventually welcome change from placement agencies physically occupying space. Monster and Naukri were the first wave of online job portals that encouraged hopeful jobseekers to start connecting to jobs not only in their own city but across major cities in India, in a slow process that took time but was steadily improving.
We witnessed greater progress with the explosion of smart-phones across the Indian awareness, now you no longer needed to visit a computer centre or own an expensive laptop to start searching for and applying to jobs, it could all be easily done through your handheld mobile. This means the user has access to check out companies and benefits at their ease, and make a more informed choice about the direction they want to see their career headed towards.
There are really very few disadvantages of using online job portals to search for jobs, very minor differences that doesn’t not negatively impact a jobseeker’s progress online. In the case of recruiters too, there are far more benefits compared to
Let’s start by noting the benefits of using Online Job Portals to find jobs (for jobseekers):
No cost to sign up and search for jobs
One of the first and major benefits of using online job portals is that they are very affordable and cost-effective. Most often candidates can upload their resumes for free and search jobs across any field without having to pay any fee to the job portal. Registration is free and by signing up you can receive recommended jobs and other similar openings directly to your email.
However, there are some services like resume writing and visibility enhancing services essential to boost your job profile and stand out in front of you peers, require the candidate to purchase the same online.
Confidentiality and privacy is maintained
Online job portals make sure your job search history and profile is kept completely confidential in their database, which means you can conduct your job searches in discretely without alerting anyone In addition, these job portals send you notifications in a private email so you can check at your leisure and take action as required. This way if you are looking for a sudden change at your current place of employment no one else needs to know until you are ready to move!
More and more companies are stepping up their security so you confidential data remains secure in their servers.
Widest variety of job categories
There is practically no other place where a jobseeker can find the most number of jobs available for them, than on the internet. If you are part of a niche category of jobs there may be a few venues you have to learn about available jobs, but for the most part online job portals provide you a wide category to search jobs. This is especially handy for freshers, who can search for their options after using the right filters. Nearly all important sectors and domains find their place on online job portals, the primary benefits for jobseekers.
Sign up for job alerts, be up to date
Not only are online job portals a platform to find jobs and connect with online job portals also send regular alerts to candidates in case of walk-in interviews, latest job openings in companies & keywords of their interest, placement drives etc. It is one way to be notified about and also monitor employer recruitment programs of their interest.
What are the benefits of Online Job Portals for recruiters?
1. Large pool of candidates
Online job portals have an outreach in numbers far more in scope than a simple brick and mortar firm. Even if recruiters approached all the possible venues of physical recruitment agencies, they couldn’t reach as many viable candidates as an online job portal with Google Analytics and SEO Analytics that these portals employ while taking jobs online.
2. Varied pool of candidates at very less cost
Reaching a wide variety of candidates who are already very comfortable with technology and the use of social media, both experienced and freshly graduated increases the base of the potential employees as well as the quality of viable candidates. Online job portals provide a comfortably pan-India presence at a fraction of the cost of maintaining offices all over the country.
3. Background check is an easier process
Verifying and sorting the various categories of candidates into proper sections. Contacting candidates is easier, keeping track of progress is more convenient. A standard of quality amongst candidates is maintained in online job portals, some of whom verify profiles so that there are no fake profiles, as there are dedicated sourcing teams that can maintain a thorough database.
In conclusion:
These are some amazing benefits of online job portals that should definitely motivate both jobseekers and recruiters towards utilising the services of online job portals.
Jobseekers are more prone to choosing them to find the most suitable job that is as per their specific qualifications and skillsets. There are several online job portals that are suitable to find jobs in India. You can browse through their services to choose the one suitable to your requirements.
The top 5 online job portals we like to recommend are Naukri, Monster,, Shine and WorkIndia.