Quran classes in UK and USA

Author: Dickwela Shawn

What is Quran pak and why it is necessary to learn?

Quran pak is the Holy book of Muslims. The word Quran means Recitation and it verses are recited by Muslims through the world. The Quran describes itself a book of Guidance for mankind.

Quran classes in USA and UK

United States of America (USA) and United Kingdom (UK) are not Muslim states so it is quite difficult to find Quran teaching for those Muslims who live there. They look for the eligible Quran teacher who really known about Quran pak and able to teach their children basics of Islam then they have no other choice except online Quran classes. Those Muslims interact with Quran teachers of Muslim state and ask their help.

Convenient way to get Quran classes:

Online Quran classes are become easiest now days. The Muslims who live in other States except Muslim states do not have the opportunity to learn and teach Quran, so the easy way of learning is through technology.

Online Quran tuition

To apply for Quran classes by technology it becomes difficult to find best Quran tuition and Quran teachers. Mostly there is some fake website on the internet which misguides the unknown people. Every picture has two sides if there are some fake sites then there are also outclass and best sites which really provide best facilities for Quran classes and their best teachers. Those who provide best Quran tuition have classical Quran teachers who can treat child in the language of student. Those Quran teachers have command over Urdu, English and Arabic and they recites Quran in Arabic accent. Quran tuition helps a lot to learn Quran pak.

Quran teaching:

Quran teaching is the Sunnah of Holy Prophet (PBUH) and he ordered to teach Quran pak to others.

The Messenger of Allah said:


"The best amongst you is the one who learn the Qur'an and teaches it".

Some online Quran tuition provides their best Quran teachers for Quran teaching which seeks other with the light of Islam. Quran teaching is not an easy task. It is such a big responsibility and duty because if Quran teacher misguide their students even by mistake then if students follow all that guidance then all the responsibility and sin come on that Quran teacher who provides Quran teaching.

Importance of Quran teaching:

Quran is not just a book but it is a path which leads to Jannah (paradise). Quran teaching is necessary for everyone but especially for west people because they live in that state where no one knows about Islam and its preaching's. Quran teacher should have grip on Quran teachings so that they teach their students easily during Quran classes.

Quran classes according to timing of students:

Time of every country is changed according to time zone. If Muslims of UK and USA hire the teacher of Muslims country especially form Pakistan then there is big gap of time. But some institute provide facility to student that whenever they have time they can take class. It will be duty of that Quran teacher to follow that time schedule of students. Online Quran tuition put their all effort for Quran classes even Quran teacher always show will to do every effort for Quran classes just to spread the light of Islam.

Duty of Quran teacher:

Finding a Quran teacher in Western countries is difficult as seldom of them are able to perform different duties.

  • Quran teacher should teach the students how to respect Quran during Quran classes.
  • Quran teacher should develop the habit of pondering over verses of Quran during Quran teaching.
  • Quran teacher should introduce and explain the value and worth of Quran to students.
  • Quran teacher should make student well versed during Quran class.
  • Quran teacher should teach the rule of Quran recitation with tarweed and tart eel.

Online Quran tuition and Quran classes via technology:

Now everything has becomes easier due to Internet. We should thank the technology which helps to learn Quran pak Online by Quran classes from experts Quran teachers. Some online Quran tuitions stress over the recitation of Quran teacher so may able to guide others in a good way without any mistakes.


Quran classes whether face to face or internet help to learn Quran by expert Quran teachers in Online Quran tuition. Quran teacher put their all efforts to teach Quran teaching in Quran classes.