What is Squint?

Author: Blue Glasses

Squint (Strabismus) is a condition in which there is a misalignment of the eyes. In other words, the two eyes are pointed in different directions. One eye may be pointing straight ahead while the other is turned inward, outward, upward or downward (Fig. 78). It is a common condition which affects 4% of children. It can occur later in life also, though the chances are less.

Why does it Occur?

Our eye movements are controlled by our eye muscles (Fig 79). Imagine that one muscle is stronger than the other. The eye then will be turned towards that direction. This is how a squint is formed. To treat this, one has obviously to weaken the strong muscle and strengthen the weak muscle.

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When should one get treated for Squint?

The treatment should be immediate. If one notices a squint, then an eye doctor should be consulted as soon as possible. Parents often get the false impression that a child may "outgrow" the problem. Children never outgrow squint. Further, if the treatment is delayed after the age of 5 years, then the child will see only with one eye even after the squint is corrected. This is because till the age of 5 years both the eyes are developing and trying to work together. If a squint is there this cannot occur and only one eye works. After the age of 5 years even if the squint is corrected, only a cosmetic result can be achieved, but both the eyes can never work together.


All eye defects of children should be treated as early as possible. While feeding babies with a bottle of milk, cover the bottle with a cloth so that the child does not make an effort to see the level of the milk in the bottle. Care should be taken to avoid exposure of the eyes of small infants to direct bright lights.


The treatment can be either eye drops, spectacles, exercises or an operation. In the operation, the weak muscle is strengthened and the strong muscle is weakened.


All eye defects of children should be treated as early as possible. While feeding babies with a bottle of milk, cover the bottle with a cloth so that the child does not make an effort to see the level of the milk in the bottle. Care should be taken to avoid exposure of the eyes of small infants to direct bright lights.

When should one get treated for Squint?

The treatment should be immediate. If one notices a squint, then an eye doctor should be consulted as soon as possible. Parents often get the false impression that a child may "outgrow" the problem. Children never outgrow squint. Further, if the treatment is delayed after the age of 5 years, then the child will see only with one eye even after the squint is corrected. This is because till the age of 5 years both the eyes are developing and trying to work together. If a squint is there this cannot occur and only one eye works. After the age of 5 years even if the squint is corrected, only a cosmetic result can be achieved, but both the eyes can never work together.