The Accomplishment of NumberNagar Education Franchise

Author: Satish Rajput

NumberNagar® offers after school programmes in Maths, English and Science for children of grades KG to 8. This includes after school activities for 5 to 15 year old kids, after school curriculum, kindergarten-equivalent after school programmes, preschool after school programmes, and after school classes for nursery and above students.

At NumberNagar®, your child will achieve enhanced conceptual clarity through curiosity-inducing experiences and connectivity of concepts to real life situations. Every child gets a personalised session plan based on their grade at school, their curriculum at school, and their cognitive abilities. On account of individual attention and an engaging learning experience, children enjoy their time at NumberNagar® and learning becomes fun. NumberNagar® offers after school programmes in Maths, English and Science for children of grades 1 to 8.

NumberNagar® also provides kindergarten after school programme, which includes after school activiteis for 4 year olds, and after school nurcery programmes. This after school curriculum provides a lot of clarity into kids and make them curious for life.

Goal of Numbernagar®: Creating Meaningful Learning Experiences.

Learning is not only an activity; it is an experience. It gains meaning when the learner is at the centre of the experience and is actively involved. For most children, this is not true. During most of their years in formal education, they are passive learners – on the receiving end of information. They are also expected to follow a set process of exam-oriented preparation. This makes the learning experience monotonous, dis-engaged and burdensome.

At NumberNagar®, the child is at the centre of the learning experience. They drive the content, the speed and the methodology of their learning experience. They are engaged, they are free to explore and express. This makes the learning experience uniquely meaningful for each child NumberNagar is one of the fastest growing educational franchise in Bangalore with 11 operational centres. It is also one of the fastest growing education franchiese in India and the best school franchise in India. This is one of the reasons, NumberNagar is seen as the best in the top school franchises in India. A brand whose roots are in Bengaluru is already at 11 locations spread across the city. NumberNagar® educational franchise is disrupting the after school learning scenarios in India. With committed franchise owners we are able to achieve the desired results in students very quickly and efficiently. The franchise centres are catering to the requirements of the students in and arund their locality. As the best alternative for home tuitions for grades 1 to grade 8 NumberNagar is helping students learn better and score better in their exams. NumberNagar franchise is the best thing that has happened so far in the after school learning of maths and English is what the parents and students feel. The franchise is easy to operate and is well supported throughout is the personal feeling of every franchisee.

Bangalore, being the city where NumberNagar was founded, we would like to reach to at least 25 centres in Bangalore, before giving a lot of focus on all the other Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities.


Why NumberNagar®?

NumberNagar® offers after school programmes in Maths, English and Science for children of grades KG to 8, with focus on tuition for class 6, class 7, and class 8. This includes tuition classes for LKG, UKG, and after school activities for 5 to 15 year old kids, after school curriculum, kindergarten-equivalent after school programmes, preschool after school programmes, and after school classes for nursery and above students.

At NumberNagar®, your child will achieve enhanced conceptual clarity through curiosity-inducing experiences and connectivity of concepts to real life situations. Every child gets a personalised session plan based on their grade at school, their curriculum at school, and their cognitive abilities. On account of individual attention and an engaging learning experience, children enjoy their time at NumberNagar® and learning becomes fun. NumberNagar® offers after school programmes in Maths, English and Science for children of grades 1 to 8.