Complete 3-dimensional Art Materials

Author: Danu Aji

Talking about the type of art based on its dimensions, there is what is called 2-dimensional or two-dimensional art and 3-dimensional (3D) art. Twimatra or 2-dimensional art is a work of art formed by two sizes, namely length and width so that it can only be seen from the front side only.

As for 3-dimensional (3D) art, this is a work of art that is formed by 3 elements at once consisting of height, length and width. As a result, this work of art will have form, space and volume and can be seen from various directions.

The following is a further explanation of 3-dimensional art, specifically regarding the techniques, elements, materials and tools used, functions, types and examples.

3 Dimensional Fine Arts Techniques

3-dimensional works of art are not made carelessly. There are several techniques that can be used so that the results are as expected. Each of these techniques has a concept that can make the work of different. The 3 dimensional art techniques referred to are as follows.

1. Mosaic Technique

Mosaic technique is a technique that uses certain geometric shapes. This technique is done by attaching 3-dimensional objects in a field so that it will produce a painting. The use of this mosaic technique will make art media so that it has style and does not look plain.

2. Application Engineering

Application technique is a technique that is done by attaching pieces of cloth. Therefore, this technique is often used in the art of sewing. The intended piece of fabric has a certain shape so that when it is affixed to the shirt, the shirt will become more beautiful.

3. Cast Engineering

Cast technique is a technique carried out by pouring a liquid material into a molding tool. Generally, liquid materials used are made of metal, cement, rubber and various other objects. Therefore, this technique is more appropriate when used to construct a building.

4. Chisel Technique

Chisel technique is a technique that is done by removing the parts that are not needed. In its application, this technique requires special tools in the form of a file, a hammer, a chisel knife and so forth. In general, carving techniques are used to make sculptures or miniatures.

5. Assembling Techniques

Assembling technique is a technique done by connecting several pieces of material to create a whole work of art. The results of this assembly technique will be referred to as assemblies and are generally applied to objects that are more complex. For example, aircraft, miniature ships, robots or others.

Elements of Fine Art 3 Dimensions

3-dimensional art is formed from several elements that make it more beautiful. The elements of 3-dimensional art are as follows.

1. Texture

Texture is the nature or surface characteristics of an object, which is usually expressed roughly, smooth, smooth and so forth. This texture can be known by utilizing the sense of touch and the sense of the eye.

2. Form

Shape is a form of a unified line that is plain. Nevertheless, the form includes elements that can explain the identity of an object. Examples of these shapes include rectangles, rectangles, tubes, cubes, balls and others.

3. Fields

A field is a collection of lines that are interconnected. Therefore, this field has dimensions of length and width. If this field is then combined with other fields, it can create other 3-dimensional art elements, namely forms.

4. Lines

Lines are elements of art that have dimensions that tend to extend in certain directions. However, this line can be modified to give rise to other properties in the form of curved, broken, oblique, thick, straight or even short.

5. Point

Dots are the smallest and most basic elements in 3-dimensional art. Despite its small size, this one element can make someone get a new idea in making a work. From this point element, another element can be created as mentioned previously.

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