Three Homeopathic Remedies for Urinary Tract Infection
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) is a chronic disease. Sufferers from this type of infection tend to resort to all kinds of medication to rid themselves of this affliction. According to the American Hospital Association, even some U.S. hospitals are now encouraging the use of alternative medicine to treat frequently recurring diseases, including UTI. One of the suggested and by far the most popular alternative remedies for Urinary Tract Infection is homeopathy.
Samuel Hahnemann, a German Physician who was the first to introduce this form of treatment in the medical world, believed that the treatment of diseases should follow the "law of similars." The treatment was based on the notion that in order to cure a person from a particular disease, the treatment given to the patient should be one that results in the same symptoms experienced by the patient while suffering from the disease. In fact, the word homeopathy is derived from the Greek word "?????? – hómoios," meaning similar and "????? – páthos" meaning disease.
Do you want to try homeopathy for Urinary Tract Infection? Well, then, let us look into the alternative remedies for urinary tract infection recommended by this form of treatment:
1. Cantharis – It refers to a large variety of soldier beetles. As homeopathic medication, the beetles are said to be gathered at daybreak, cooked in a steam of boiling vinegar, to be crushed and mixed with greater parts of milk and sugar. This then is said to be administered to the patient in low doses. Accordingly, the effect of this concoction is burning and scalding pain while passing urine, which is in accordance with homeopathy's principle of treating the symptoms of the disease with like symptoms.
- Apis Mellifica – It is a scientific name that refers to honeybees. The treatment using this medication is by way of live honey bee stings or extracting the bee's stinger and using it as a bee venom therapy. In some cases, a live honeybee is crushed and mixed in water and alcohol base. Similar to Cantharis, this treatment for UTI also causes burning and stinging pain in passing urine.
- Staphysagria – It is a homeopathic remedy for UTI derived from the seeds of Delphinium Staphisagria. This plant is said to be poisonous in its raw form but loses its toxicity once it is transformed as a therapeutic preparation. According to historical data, this plant was used to kill vermin or pests like rats, cockroaches, and other forms of parasites. It also qualifies as a homeopathic treatment for UTI because it similarly causes painful and stinging urination.
In homeopathy for Urinary Tract Infection, tonics and concoctions are administered only in small portions since some of them are derived from plants and animals that possess toxic properties. This article is only for information purposes and not at all intended as a recommendation to replace the doctor's medication for urinary tract infection. Henceforth, after knowing what constitutes homeopathic cures, it is all the more recommended that it would be best to seek your doctor's medical opinion and approval before taking other home remedies for urinary tract infection, like homeotherapy.