Acupuncture for Neck Pain in Morristown is Ideal to Get Rid of Stiff Neck
Often people who work in office hardly get the time to move their neck or do some neck related exercises. Due to working for long hours in one position, the neck of a majority of people becomes stiff leading to pain and movement problem. In such a case, visiting a doctor is the best possible option. In the US, many doctors practice acupuncture for neck pain. Through such a method, it is very easy and quick to get rid of stiff neck forever! In the beautiful region of Morristown, people who are suffering from neck pain and discomfort can immediately consult a doctor specialized in acupuncture for neck pain in Morristown.
Since the traditional times, the Chinese have been practicing acupuncture to remove any kind of pain from the human body. The Chinese medicine and use of herbal oils is regarded as highly effective to reduce joint and muscle pains and give long-lasting relief. Acupuncture for neck pain in Morristown is performed by a good number of clinics that have specialized doctors who are certified to offer this kind of treatment to people.
There are many clinics in Morristown of which special mention needs to be made of the New Jersey Acupuncture & Wellness Center. Located in a convenient place, this Center offers the best of acupuncture therapies to people of all ages and gender. The leading doctor in New Jersey Acupuncture & Wellness Center is Ni-Fei Hsieh. He has earned a Master’s degree from the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine and is a licensed acupuncturist in New Jersey and New York. Ni-Fei is also a well-known massage therapist in New Jersey and New York and an Auricular Medicine specialist in the region.
Many studies have suggested the acupuncture is great in relieving certain types of neck pain such as ankylosing spondylitis and cervical spondylitis which is quite hard to cure by any other form of treatment known to man. The benefits of acupuncture are many – it is used to relief the neck muscles, reduce tremor and pain. The patient will become much relaxed after such a treatment. Depending on a patient’s condition, the doctors specialized in acupuncture for neck pain in Morristown will apply various herbal medicines and oils.
Before doing the treatment, the doctors in the New Jersey Acupuncture & Wellness Center will sit with the patients and their family to know the medical history. The doctor may suggest some tests and x-rays to better understand the neck condition. Based on the test results, he may decide the course of treatment. During the procedure, small, tiny needles are inserted in various "points" in the neck to balance Qi and bring about greater flexibility. After the treatment, the patient will become much relieved and experience no pain in his or her neck.
The treatment span of a patient will vary depending on the condition of the neck. For worst cases, multiple visits are necessary for complete healing. Acupuncture for neck pain in Morristown is conducted by certified doctors only to produce the best result.