Learn about how you can Reduce Effects of Aging

Author: Mayra Singh

Aging is a natural process, and whether we want for not, we all have to face it. Generally speaking, skin aging is a continuous process, and as we age, other ages with us. To understand the process, we need to understand how our skin age.

In our youth, all of our body functions work perfectly, but as we age, these functions become slow. In the case of our skin, the process of production of new skin cells becomes slow. It makes the skin look dull and worn out. Although there are many treatments available to slow down the aging process, we first need to understand the signs of aging.

Sighs of Aging
  • Age Spots
  • Sagging Skin
  • Dull Skin Tone
  • Wrinkles and Fine Lines
  • Dry Skin

Treatments to Reduce Effects of Aging

  • Wrinkles Reduction Laser Treatment

Wrinkle reduction laser treatment is a common treatment that is used by many for reducing signs of aging. As the name suggests, this treatment is done using a laser, but you do have to worry. Because this treatment is very safe and effective on wrinkles and fine lines. In this treatment, the laser is exposed to effective skin. After a while, the heat from the laser starts to break the skin molecules and penetrates the skin. Inside the heat from the starts, the production of a protein called collagen. This protein is responsible for providing support to the skin structure and helps in the production of new skin cells. The laser also removes the loss and affects skin from the surface, leaving it fresh and rejuvenated.

  • Chemical Peel Treatment

Chemical peel treatment is another treatment that can be used for reducing signs of again. This treatment may not be very much effective on the natural aging process, but premature, dull skin tone and age spots can be treated with it. In the process of chemical peel treatment, a chemical solution of applied directly to the skin surface. After a while, the chemical starts to break the bonds between the skin and the impurities and oil present on the skin breaks with it. Then the chemical is removed using a sponge or a wired brush. This process removes the effect of skin layers and all the impurities present on the surface and skin pores.

  • Dermabrasion and Microdermabrasion Treatment

Dermabrasion treatment is quite common and can be used by anyone. In this treatment, the affected skin is constantly rubbed against an abrasive surface object. Or the skin is exposed to a pressurized jet of liquid containing crystals. Due to this, the skin gets loose and starts to peel off. In Microdermabrasion treatment, a rolling pin with needles is used. This rolling pin is then rolled over the affected skin for a while. Due to the puncturing effect created by the pin, the immune starts to heal the skin and triggers the production of the collagen compound.

  • Carbon Laser Peel Treatment

Carbon laser peel treatment is another example of a treatment that can use for premature aging and other signs of aging. In this process, a carbon base cream is applied directly to the skin surface. In time the cream gets settled down, and the carbon molecules start to penetrates the skin pores. As we know that carbon can absorbs dirt, impurities, and oil, the carbon cream absorbs them all from the skin surface. Then with the help of a laser, the carbon mask is removed with all the impurities. The heat from the laser activates the production of collagen and elastic compound that makes the tighter and fresh.


Whether your aging is natural or premature, your skin suffers because of it. Generally, we don't pay much attention to slowing down the natural aging. But to slow down the premature use can use any of the above-maintained treatment.