How to help your teenager accept the idea of moving

Author: Betty White

The move is stressful and difficult enough for almost all of us, but even more for a teen. Teenagers are at an age when they are already experiencing changes and age-related issues. Their life is very tough because they are additionally sensitive in this period. Relocation only adds weight on their shoulders, and coping with that much stress can be very hard for them.

Imagine what they have to go through. There is leaving old friends behind, meeting new people, moving and settling in a new school, and in a new city. That task isn't particularly easy for an adult, let alone for a teen. So then, it is expected that they wouldn't react well to the news on the upcoming relocation. You can help your teenager accept the idea of moving in many different ways. Be sure to read on and get insights into strategies and techniques with which you can help your teen.

Give them enough time

As we already established, teenagers are sensitive and complex figures, and they don't like sudden surprises when it comes to life-changing events. It is the best idea to give them as much time as possible to process everything. Take care to be the first one from whom your teen will hear the news about relocation. There were cases when kids would learn about moving from their neighbors. You do not want to be in the skin of the parent in that situation.

Understand the anger

When confronted with a big move, teens have a tendency to see their lives as a big jigsaw puzzle that they have to solve now. Making new friends and adjusting to a new school and neighborhood for them is a big deal. They have already built an identity and a sense of belonging in the current place of living. And they have to leave all of that and get nothing in exchange. At least that's how they see it, and that kind of disruption can cause them to become angry, rebellious or unsociable. Teens don't know how to cope with moving problems, so don't be surprised if you get accused of ruining their lives.

Give them the freedom to vent

Teens need to have the freedom to openly express their feelings and frustrations. Of course, you may not be able to provide them with all the answers, but be sure to openly communicate with them. Talk with them about their emotional thoughts on the relocation. They will be comforted by knowing that you share many fears and feelings about the move with them. To help your teenager accept the idea of moving, you have to meet them on the emotional level first. If they're up for it, try practicing yoga with them. As the yoga practice in a busy schedule has many benefits regarding stress.

Suggest writing a journal

For some teens, this may help massively. Something like a moving journal can be a great place for them to express their feeling and to help them get rid of some weight of the shoulders. This is a significant change, so it is not a bad idea to capture the moment with pictures of their friends, home, neighborhood and the city. You can suggest it to them as something that they would be able to look back on when they're all settled in a new home.

Help your teenager accept the idea of moving by getting him involved

Be free to involve your teen in the moving process, and have them informed about it as much as possible. Ask your teenager for his or her input on the house. Let them tell you what they would like and what they think you should avoid. You need to find out things like what kind of bedroom do they want, and in what kind of neighborhood would they like to live. Getting them involved early in the process will help them feel like they’re part of the decision.

One good idea is to have a whiteboard in the kitchen and list all the dates when the packers and movers are coming, reminders to clean out the school lockers, and deadlines for returning anything borrowed. They‘ll feel involved and will be well informed about everything that’s happening. Always be sure to hire professionals to help you move home as these things can easily get out of hand if not done properly.

Help them prepare and pack

Encourage teens to research good and interesting things to see and do in your new town. If you can, visit the new area together and look for potential schools and homes. Help them to get through the whole packing process. If they have a lot of unnecessary stuff, help them to get rid of some. Explain to them that you can go shopping when you get to your new home. This will enable them to buy some necessities for the new home and will keep them happy because they’ll be able to personalize it as soon as they get there. On the other hand, if you have lots of things that you have to bring with you, be sure to ask for a moving quote on sites of companies like Miami Movers for Less. After all, if you get the right price you’ll be able to bring all the stuff with you.

Throw a farewell party

At the end of the process, be sure to throw a farewell party in your old home to make it easier for them to say goodbye to their friends. It doesn't need to be anything special. Simply prepare easy food items for the party and invite guests. If you are moving far away or to another country, help your teenager accept the idea of moving by devoting a weekend afternoon on just driving through your favorite parts of town. This will be comforting but may bring back some memories. However, be joyful and concentrate on the excitement that making new memories in a great new place will bring.

Don’t push it afterward

If you are like most parents, you desperately want your children to be happy every time you move. When you get in your new home, don’t go overboard trying to fill every weekend with something to do with your teens. They’ll be able to find what interests them in the new town on their own. Talk with them about everything that’s bothering them. They’ll probably tell you on their own if you’re pushing too much and need to back off. Accept that and don’t take it personally. Sometimes making the teenager happy just isn’t possible. Eventually, they’ll come back around and everything will be back in normal in no time.