Why Visitors Dislike Advertising on Your Website? What Can You Do About It?

Author: Michael David Wilson

If truth be told, internet users have developed something of a love/hate relationship with online advertising. You often hear people complain about the presence of ads when they visit a website, but those very same people will also tell you about a great deal that they got by clicking on one of those ads. The fact of the matter is that online advertising works and is a great source of income for both the advertiser and the publisher. It is no real surprise then that site owners are turning to ad servers in order to cash in while delivering some value to their visitors. If you are looking to get the most out of your online advertising, here are some ways to avoid the most commonly disliked aspects of the medium:

Eye Strain

In an attempt to make ads as noticeable as possible, some advertisers go over the top by making their ads with bright contrast colors and fast animation that are nothing but a strain on the eye. The solution here is to make the ad look as though it is part of the website. People know where to look for ads nowadays so you don’t necessarily need a flashing red arrow pointing it out.

Deceptive Ads

There are some ads that will pop up and tell the visitor that their computer is infected with some horrible virus. The user clicks on the ad out of fear, only to find out that the thing they clicked was something other than what it claimed to be. These types of ads will paint your website in a poor light and can lead to complaints. It is best to reject these ads and advertisers from displaying on your website.

Privacy Concerns

Many online ads will ask visitors to input personal information so that the advertiser can contact the individual with more info on said product or service. If you plan on running this type of ad, make it very clear to the user how their information will be used and protected, and that it will not be shared or sold to a third-party company. This will help alleviate any concerns that they may have with the advertisement.

Security Issues

Besides the concerns about personal security, there is also the fear that clicking an ad will result in some sort of virus being unleashed. This is a genuine concern as it is happening more frequently. This is another reason why it is important that you know and control who and what is being advertised on your site. When choosing an ad server, choose one that has been well established with a reputation for security and reliability. It might be wise to avoid a brand new ad network with no known history or reputation.


As mentioned earlier, ads are not always static, which means that their appearance can affect the speed and performance of your site. If you have too many ads on your site and the speed starts to slow down, you should really consider a different ad management approach with fewer but more effective ad placements. The goal is to reach a balance between advertising and usability. Only serve ads that are actually generating real interest from your visitors and generating revenue for you. After all, you want visitors to stick around a while rather than bolting because they are losing patience with your site loading speed.