5 common mistakes to avoid when building an iOS app
One of the expert iOS app developers in Sydney has discussed some common mistakes that developers often make and need to avoid during iOS app development.
With the launch of Swift, a core programming language, developing iOS apps has become much affordable and trendy. However, Objective-C is still in use and this is why most of the developers are still not switching completely to Swift. But, even with such advanced programming languages, developers often tend to make some common mistakes during iOS application development. An expert iOS app developer of Sydney has discussed these mistakes that need to be avoided to end up with flawless and successful iOS applications.
Here’s what a developer should avoid when building an iOS app: -
Do not get indulged in MVC structure during iOS application development:Every software developer is aware of the MVC structure. This architecture is followed for web development. But fortunately, many fresher iOS application developers are also adopting this architecture. This is a very common mistake they make when building an application for the Apple store. Actually, they find this structure easy to use and understand. But, no matter how simple it is, it does not work well for the iOS applications. Such practices ultimately result in faulty apps. The developers need to avoid doing this mistake to come up with successful results.
Avoid UI operations along with the primary thread:Multithreading issues are very common when building iOS applications because the UI kit is not threaded properly and safely. This is the reason for the occurrence of some weird errors and bugs. So, the iOS programmers need to be careful enough at the time of executing the concurrent codes.
Avoid testing the applications on old versions and devices:Generally, the iOS simulator is pretty easy and fast for achieving the expected results with the highest usability. Most of the developers prefer testing the apps on this stimulator instead of testing on different iOS versions and devices. To test real user experiences, the developers need to test the apps on real devices. The developers need to pick the latest devices more for testing how the app works with the advanced features.
Using ‘UITableViews’ in a wrong way during iOS application development:Most of the developers use ‘UITableViews’ for displaying a tabular interface on the iOS devices. It is always better to recycle the objects present in the user interface for obtaining improved performance. Programmers of all levels practice cell recycling. However, using the properties of UITableViewsCell needs a lot of care from the programmers to avoid any mistake.
Avoid care for the usage of memory in the iOS app development:Despite the abilities of iOS and the compiler for memory handling, still there remains a chance of memory leakage. It is noticed that when programmers use delegates, the rate of memory leakage is even more. Hence, it is always better to use the ‘debug navigator’ tab that is there in the Xcode. With this, developers can keep on checking the memory usage of the application along with the other required details.
As per the suggestion given by one of the expert iOS app developers in Sydney, avoiding these five mistakes can help the developers build impressive and ROI-driven iOS applications every time. Every programmer needs to keep these things in mind before getting started with the development process.
Alex Forsyth is one of the most dedicated and skilled iOS app developers in Sydney who works for Envertis Software Solutions. The author wanted to help out the developers in building innovative, functional, and faultless iOS applications for the clients.