Making money on Pinterest: How to use affiliate marketing on Pinterest

Author: Rose Wismans

Are you looking for a way to make money online without starting a blog or business? Well, you can! Did you know that there's a way to pin certain links on Pinterest and earn from it? I'm gonna show you how you can make money on Pinterest without a blog and how to do so legally.

Being on Pinterest & finding affiliate links

The obvious first step to this is creating a profile on Pinterest and to start using the platform. You want to make sure you’re doing it correctly. There are a couple of things to keep in mind, from niching down to using keywords well. We’ll talk about these things a bit later on.

Once you’ve created your Pinterest profile, it’s time to get to know Pinterest. Play around with it until you’re the basics and know how to create a pin, save a pin and so on.

The next step is to learn a bit more about affiliate links and finding some that link to products you want to promote on your Pinterest profile. There are affiliate networks out there that offer more than one product, and there are independent programs that offer only one product or range of products. Either way, dig a bit further into affiliate marketing and learn the basics.

Once you have a couple of links ready to go, you can create your first affiliate pin. This means creating a pin image from scratch and linking it to your affiliate link. Then make sure you add the hashtag #affiliatelink to the pin description, to disclaim your links properly and start pinning.

You can read this to learn more about creating affiliate pins on Pinterest.

Getting your pins out there

There’s more to getting clicks on Pinterest than just posting a pin once. Instead, you need to regularly pin that pin to different boards, preferably all related to the niche the pin belongs in.

You can choose to use a scheduler, though that because pretty expensive, pretty quick. You can also choose to use manual pinning and spending some time every day to get your pins out there and clicked on. This is probably the best idea since you want to make money, not spend loads of it.

There are a couple of things to keep in mind when you're pinning your pins on Pinterest manually. Namely when you should pin, how often and in what order it should go to your boards. If you're already experienced on Pinterest, then you know what to do. However, it's very likely that you're not. So for those that don't know where to start, don't worry there are some free and pretty affordable resources out there. A quick Google session would probably be a great place to start. However, the best and most efficient way is to purchase an affordable Pinterest course that also has an affiliate program (this way you get info and an affiliate link in one go).

A great affordable Pinterest resource is the Pinteresting Strategies course, it's all about manual pinning and using your time instead of money to get your pins out there. If you haven't heard of this course before, then check out this honest review that gives you the pros and cons of this course.

So whether you use manual pinning or a scheduling tool, you can make money on Pinterest if you have a pinning strategy in place and know how to use affiliate links on Pinterest correctly. So good luck and get pinning!