Send SMS Attachment for instant file transfer

Author: Shivangi Rathore

Transferring media files, word documents, and notes is a common practice nowadays. People often use email to send attachments of different files from one system to another. The other convenient medium to transfer files is to Send SMS Attachment. The benefits one can get by sending attachments through SMS is it does not end up in the spam folder of the receiver, unlike e-mails. So, it concludes SMS as an accurate medium to transfer files through attachment.

Advantages of SMS attachments

Accomplish quicker go-to-market

Not any more hanging tight for IT/improvement groups to have the document or make a website page for your marketing offers and flyers. Just pick a Transactional Bulk SMS Service Provider and simply transfer and send by means of SMS.

Works more accurately than email

SMS has outflanked email for a considerable length of time, regarding both open rates and reaction rates. The compass for your connections is 5X higher than email when you share them by means of SMS.

Propelled click following

Increase significant bits of knowledge into client conduct by following what number tapped the connection, who clicked alongside the mobile number, time, gadget attributes and more.

Track the clicks on your attachments

Get granular reports

Track what number of individuals tapped on your connections, alongside their portable numbers, gadget attributes, time and date of snap.

Measure execution

Use navigate rates on your connections as a pointer to quantify your click execution

Fare clicked numbers

You can send out the nitty-gritty snap reports for additional examination to acquire bits of knowledge into your client’s conduct.

Run A/B tests and improve

Test for the best send times, CTAs, message content, sender IDs and improve your battles.

How to use SMS attachments?


Connect a JPEG/PNG in your SMS and pass on additional 160 characters. You don’t need to stress over transferring, facilitating them and producing short URLs?—?it is totally done by Textlocal.


Giving out flyers in the city or straightforwardly posting them is commonly costly and has low reaction rates. Join PDF leaflets to your mass SMS battles and see reaction rates hit the rooftop!


The potential to reach here is extraordinary. A Textlocal client created a 40% active visitor clicking percentage when sending their month to month pamphlet as an SMS message connection.


Got a heap of menus stacked on your counter? Try not to trust that clients will get them. Join it to an SMS message and send it out to your selection in the database, or as an auto-answer

Sound documents

You can even share sound documents including.mp3 and.wav over SMS. Allow your beneficiaries to tune in or download tunes, music or special sound clasps in only a tick.


Offer your PowerPoint or PDFs through SMS whether it’s a week after week/month to month refreshes, business execution report or a straightforward item introduction deck for a fast survey.


There are many benefits you can avail of while sending attachments through SMS. You can also send a large number of files less than 10 Mb with accurate click tracking. Every type of document you can send as an attachment through SMS like documents, media files, sound files, etc. There is no need for a structured framework or any IT system to send attachments through SMS. So, It is overall beneficial for a business to send files in the form of attachments through mobile SMS.