Traits of a Quality Paint for Your Commercial Project

Author: Sam An

Commercial painting in Sydney gives you a sense of completion, newness, freshness and attracts more customers to your business. Often, paint is used as a final finish on any surface to protect and decorate your building. It’s an expensive job, but provides long-lasting results. But, before choosing a paint for your project, you must discuss with the commercial painting contractors in Sydney to analyse the quality of the paint they are going to use on your building. Here we’ve listed a few traits of a quality paint.

The Traits of a Quality Paint

  • A quality paint must possess good spreading or covering power, which means, the capacity of covering maximum area with minimum quantity. You can find the coverage capacity in the brochure of the paint given by the manufacturer.
  • The paint should form a thin film of uniform nature when applied on a surface.
  • Whatever colour your choose or suggested by the commercial painters in Sydney, it’s vital that the colour should not fade with the adverse environmental conditions such as rain, heat, wind, etc. for a long time.
  • The consistency of the paint should be in such a way that it’s easy to be applied on a surface using a brush or spraying device.
  • The paint should have a good adherence capacity to the surface on which it’s applied.
  • The paint should have an attractive appearance and pleasing texture.
  • The paint should have high elasticity so the surface of the paint does not show any crack after the application. It must also be able to withstand changes in the temperature and must be elastic enough to withstand stretch due to expansion/contraction.
  • It should possess high resistance to corrosion and protect the material over which it is used.
  • A good quality paint should dry in a reasonable time and not very quickly.
  • An ideal paint when used by ideal commercial painters in Sydney must not show any signs, such as brush marks, shrinkage marks, cracks, patches, and more on drying.
  • A good paint must prohibit the growth of mould spores and algae.

-An ideal paint provides a perfect finish to your commercial property and increases its value.

Moreover, a quality paint must be affordable, ready to use, durable, and colour fast. So, when you are planning your commercial painting project, take these traits into consideration to choose the best paint type for your commercial building.

The author of this article is one of the leading commercial painters in Sydney with over a decade of experience in the industry. In this article, he lists the important traits of a quality paint. Visit for more information.