Why Did The Chinese Use Water Torture?
Chinese Water Torture and How it Worked
The Chinese Water Torture is a torture technique used by Chinese people. Chinese people believe in using the water as the most powerful method of inflicting pain on their enemies. Their strategy has been used by all the people including a lot of the kings and their secret police from ancient times.
In China the Chinese Water Torture is very much alive and is being practiced to the present time. It is one of the most feared torture methods that has been used by the Chinese people. They are also known as the Chinese electric torture. They have been used since ancient times in order to force their enemies to tell them the right information about a certain thing or activity.
First of all, it uses the use of electric shocks in order to force the person to confess. It is more commonly known as the Chinese electric shock. It is a powerful technique that will work on the body and mind of the person and the reaction is very fast. The effects are really frightening because it will induce a state of fear and stress in the person thus causing brain waves to become weak and unfocused.
The Chinese Water Torture is also effective in inducing the person to talk. The use of water as the medium of torture is another important thing. It makes it possible for the Chinese to induce a lot of stress in the human body to force the person to talk.
The water torture is also accompanied by the use of some special ingredients like vinegar, food items and so on. When it comes to the foods the best ones are garlic and tomato. The said ingredients are not usually the kinds that you would eat on a regular basis but they are quite different and have an effect on the person who gets them. The water itself will act as a batter to make it possible for the person to admit his crime.
The Chinese Water Torture is not just limited to confessions. It also deals with inflicting some other side effects on the victim. It causes the person to have visions, to have vertigo, and some will also start hallucinating. But the most disturbing thing is that these are the actual signs of the person who is being tortured.
The Chinese Water Torture has been used by people for centuries. Some of the civilizations have actually used it to keep track of their enemies. The Chinese only used it to be able to catch their enemies and this is how they developed the ultimate form of torture which is known as the electro shock torture.
The Chinese Water Torture has caused a lot of wars and war crimes in the world. Many of the countries and political groups have learned that there is only one way to handle this matter and that is to bring back the pain and suffering to its victims. Their torture is a way of bringing some sense to their enemies and their leaders so that their actions are now known.