Achieve Greater Success With Your Vehicle From Servicing and Repair By Expert Technicians

Author: Stevie Olson

Buying an automobile comes with the responsibility of regular repairs and maintenance. It can be frustrating to have a vehicle problem on the road while you are heading to your destination, especially when you are quite a distance from an auto repair workshop.

Your vehicle may have issues with its electrical systems or mechanics that can spoil all the fun of your journey if a breakdown happens. Issues in your vehicle’s electrical system aren’t as intuitive as those of the mechanical kinds, and have challenges different from mechanical issues that require specialist equipment to identify the fault.

Sophisticated auto electrical systems require expert handling

Many new vehicles feature sophisticated computer systems and may have electrical circuits even in tires that affect functions like steering and brakes. Electrical problems don’t always announce themselves like mechanical problems do, such as squeaks or a rattling engine. Diagnosis of a vehicle’s electrical system requires specialized diagnostic equipment to collect the relevant data and assist the technician in knowing the exact cause of the problem.

From loose electrical connections, engine starting problems to blown fuses, bad spark plugs, frayed wiring, and more extensive issues such as the problem with ECU, your car can develop a variety of electrical issues according to its make, model and age.

A robust electrical system is important for your automobile

A robust automotive electrical system is critical for your vehicle as damage to it could wreak havoc on other vehicle components and create a costly situation. Don’t leave something as complex as your vehicle’s electrical and electronic systems to a weekend DIY project. Automotive systems are rather complex and feature sophisticated electronic components that require specialized knowledge and expert handling by experienced and qualified auto electricians. Sandgate Auto Electrics’ auto electricians are qualified to use specialist tools to diagnose and repair all vehicle electrical systems and components’ faults including ignition, lighting and indicators, wiring and charging system, battery, heating and air-conditioning system, onboard electronics, anti-lock braking and a lot more.

Faulty mechanics the reason behind breakdowns and accidents

Although it’s safe to say that most car accidents occur due to human error, severe weather and bad road conditions; mechanical defects such as faulty brake system, exhaust build up, leaking gas tanks and worn wiper blades are also to blame for numerous accidents happening in Australia and all over the world.

Dashboard warning light, faulty steering system and suspension, hydro locked engine (water getting into cylinders), broken timing belt, faulty air conditioning, engine overheating, worn-out brake pads, stalling (vehicle suddenly stopping) and oil pressure problems are some of the common vehicle mechanical problems that can keep your car from running on the road if not taken good care of.

Diagnosing your vehicle for faults and repairs

Our qualified, trained and experienced auto mechanics will conduct a thorough and complete diagnosis of your vehicle’s condition using specialized hardware and software to diagnose its mechanical faults and perform the required repairs accordingly.

Our auto mechanics possess a wide array of knowledge about automobiles’ mechanics and are highly educated about their fuel systems, computer systems and air conditioning. They have worked on a wide range of cars, trucks, 4WDs, earthmoving equipment and boats of Australian, Japanese and European brands. Our auto mechanics are given access to the manufacturer’s technical service bulletins (TSBs) to fix common problems with a particular automobile model. They can even fix a problem that is specific to your model or automaker, such as a multi-function control system or navigation as we continuously invest in training our technicians on repairs of the newest automobile models rolled out each year.

Schedule a vehicle diagnosis appointment

Ignoring maintenance, repairs and problems of your car’s electrical system, electronics and mechanics only allows them the chance to grow greater in scale that may cause you expensive repairs later and may even cause safety risks for you and your passengers. There is a difference between a vehicle’s maintenance and repairs. Maintenance helps keep your vehicle in top operating condition. Maintenance items are listed in the vehicle owner’s manual while repairs are services that need to be performed in order to fix a particular vehicle problem.

Achieve greater efficiency from your vehicle

Owners who get their vehicles inspected regularly for electrical and mechanical faults enjoy greater efficiency when it comes to their safety and keeping the automobile in serviceable condition. Sandgate Auto Electrics offers a complete range of auto electrical systems and auto mechanics repairs by qualified auto electricians and auto mechanics, including full transmission repairs and rebuilds for your vehicle’s optimum performance on the roads and its longevity.

Call Sandgate Auto Electrics for further assistance related to your vehicle’s repairs and maintenance. We serve all over Brisbane and nearby areas.