Benefits of updating mobile number in Bharat Gas, HP Gas & Indane Gas
Mobile number for a person has become a lifeline in today's time. With the help of mobile, a person can connect socially and can also update himself with the world. With every new day, technology is changing and this new technology is making a big change in the mobile world. If we 3-4 years back, mobile was only used to call the others and this mobile was just a portable substitute for the telephone. In today's time, a mobile which can also be said to smartphone has become the world for you. A mobile has included a computer in itself. Most of the things that we did with the help of a computer, nowadays doing with the help of mobile. Your number is linked with the Aadhar card, your number is also linked with a bank account, your number is also linked with Pancard. Apart from this, you can also register your mobile number with the gas connection to get book new cylinder.
Now all the gas agencies have made it mandatory to register mobile number. I will tell you many benefits of registering a mobile number with your gas agency distributors. Mentioned below is the top benefits.
Before describing top benefits of mobile number, I want to tell you that, if you still not registered your mobile number or your mobile number is lost, you can go for Indane Gas, HP Gas and Bharat gas booking mobile number change online or offline to avail the mentioned below benefits.
- 1.) If you have registered your number with your gas connection then you can book a new refill cylinder within 1 minute by following the IVSR option or by sending the SMS.
- 2.) The gas agency will also notify you with the latest updates by sending SMS on your registered mobile number.
- 3.) If you have registered the mobile number then you can also download the app in your mobile and book cylinders and also can make payment as well as you can also track the new refill cylinders.
- 4.) If you have a verified mobile no linked to your gas account then no human interaction is needed (customer care) to book a new cylinder.
- 5.) If your mobile no is not registered then either your request for- new booking may be rejected or it will take much time to book the cylinder. Mobile number can also be used to see new offers coming in you gas connection account.
- You can also contact your Bharat gas customer care and mechanic via your registered mobile no as this will be a distinguished proof for your gas connection by which you can easily be identified.
- If you have a registered phone the number and you are carrying with yourself then the vendor who is delving to your home will call you and ask you a comfortable time to deliver the newly filled cylinder.
Get the Tips and Tricks to update the new mobile number by visiting the gas agency as well as calling the customer helpline numbers.