Everything You Need to Know About Building a Marketing Chatbot in 2020

Author: John Smith

Chatbots have been proven to deliver a customer experience better than static menus and surveys. As a result, their use is forecast to increase in the next five years, and possibly beyond as technology continues to evolve.

Another positive facet of chatbots is that they do not require years of coding experience to create. If you want to experience the enormous benefits of chatbots in customer engagement and lead generation, this guide is for you.

Chatbot creation tools

There are a number of free tools online that lets you create chatbots without writing a line of code. Here, we'll take a look at Chatfuel, one of the more popular chatbot creation options today. Creating a navigation-based chatbot on Chatfuel should only take 10 minutes.

1. Connect Chatfuel to Facebook

To do this, create a Chatfuel account and log in on Facebook in the same browser. Click "get started for free" on Chatfuel and give the necessary permissions to Chatfuel to connect to your Facebook account.

There's a tutorial that will greet you after logging in that you can check out.

2. Create a welcome message

You can now create your welcome message, or the default message users will see upon interacting with you on Messenger.

It is advisable that you include a line that introduces the chatbot as a chatbot and not a person. Some states have passed laws that require you to do this.

3. Set up conversation navigation

It's time to build your conversation navigation. The bot's content structure is made up of "blocks" that function like individual website pages. Each a block may contain text, images, or plugins, and as users chat with the bot, they move from one block to another.

List down a list of questions that you think your customers are most likely to ask and then create a block for each question.

4. Link the blocks

Click "add button" on your message block, name the button, and select the right "block".

5. Add the chatbot dialogue

Create the content that will be displayed in response to a specific question. To do this, select a "block" and add the text, image, or action that you want.

6. Set up the AI

After the navigation is complete, click "set up AI". Here, you can include all the possible questions that could be asked the chatbot. You can also set up phrases that are similar to the questions you wrote and the AI will respond with the appropriate content.

And you're set. Your chatbot is already ready to go as Chatfuel saves your work as you build. If you need the URL for your website, click "promote".

Building complex chatbots for business

There’s an AI-driven chatbot that you can also build with Chatfuel and other similar tools, but it requires more time and development knowledge. If your business requires more complex chatbots that guide conversations with customers, visit Botworking.