Green Lawn Basics

Author: Khushi Saxena

Are you dreaming of a lush, velvety green lawn? Achieving this is not as hard as you may think. Although the quickest and easiest way to make this dream come true is by laying sod, there are other ways if you stick to a good plan. First and foremost you must select grass that will work the best in your climate and for your soil conditions. After that the key is simply regular, scheduled lawn maintenance by ensuring appropriate mowing, watering, fertilizing and weed control.

Always keep the blades on your lawn mower sharp so you get a nice, clean cut. A dull blade can tear up the grass blade tips causing stress and promoting disease in your lawn. Avoid the heat of the middle of day while mowing. It is best to try early morning or after the sun starts setting.

Mow the lawn to an approximate 3 inch height to achieve deeper, stronger roots that are resistant to disease and drought. When mowing your grass to this longer length, do not bag the clippings. Instead leave the cut grass clippings in the lawn as it will act as a natural fertilizer and provide up to one fourth of the nutrients your lawn needs. If your lawn is too high, mow it in stages to get it to the proper height. Cutting more than half the length of the grass during one mowing will shock the grass. Also, do not mow your lawn when wet.

Your lawn needs approximately one inch of water, enough to reach the roots, at one time and it should usually be sufficient to do this twice a week depending on where you live. Remember deep watering instead of frequent watering encourages root growth. Water in the early morning or early evening but never while the sun rays are powerful as this will prevent deep soaking and the water droplets on the blades may scorch the grass. Try not to let your lawn completely dry out between waterings. A sprinkler system, even a home made one, can really make this easier. If your lawn, or parts of it, is without any sunlight, it will die. If a section of the lawn is deprived of all sunlight due to branches or bushes try pruning so the grass receives some sunlight during the course of the day.

Create a compost heap with things like lawn clippings, raked leaves, fruit rinds, eggshells, coffee grounds etc. to feed your lawn. In any climate, spring and fall are the most important times to fertilize your lawn. Fertilize with natural soil improvers you may be able to pick up from your local town such as organic compost or manure. After fertilizing, make sure you water your lawn so that the nitrogen in the fertilizer does not burn your grass. Aerate your the lawn when it becomes impacted. Aerating is simply allowing air circulation to the roots done by making small holes all over yard. Although a healthy lawn is rarely 100% weed free, keep them under control so they do not take over your healthy grass.

Staying on top of lawn maintenance is far easier than fixing problems once they have taken root. Keep to your plan and best lawn mower under 100, green lawn. For more info visit my site For home lovers