The Benefits of Integrated ISO 14001 lead auditor training
ISO 14001 the Environmental Management System (EMS) standard, aligned with the HLS (High Level Structure), has enabled organizations to opt for an integrated management system approach to their management system. ISO 14001 Lead Auditors will know that it now has 10 clauses, as does ISO 9001. These standards when integrated can ensure not only efficiency and productivity but also reduce waste, prevent environmental pollution.
ISO 14001 Lead Auditors must better appreciate that often organizations either by intend or otherwise are focused on productivity, ROI (return on investment), and end up compromising on the environmental aspects. This may seem beneficial in the short run, but in the long run can bring harm to the organization’s reputation and the loss customers of customers’ trust, as also of the authorities. Trained ISO 14001 Lead Auditors understand the importance of carefully listing all aspects and their environmental impacts, prioritizing them and where possible mitigating them. Where residual risks are not mitigated, the risks must be prevented from impacting the business and the environment by implementing additional control measures.
While implementing or auditing the environmental management system based on ISO 14001, it is not uncommon to consider the ISO 50001 the energy saving standard too. Both the standards compliment each other. Companies save energy and that enables the bottom line as also the expenses on pollution control, to improve the environment. ISO 14001 Lead Auditors should have a wider understanding of the environment the organization works within. The pollution and harm to environment occurs both by what goes in to the land and air, as solids, gasses or liquids. A study of the land, its lay and impacts which could occur may vary with geographical aspects and seasons as also the education level of the employees.
The interested parties including those who live around a facility could be indirectly impacted by pollution. Sometimes immediately but at times the impact could be felt after some time. Some chemicals like in the case of radiation may have residual risks and late effects. Good ISO 14001 Lead Auditors not only know the standard well and interpret it correctly, but also understand the statutory requirements and other legal or federal requirements. Understanding the requirements and risks, in the context of the organization is essential to better appreciate the aspects and impacts. The RC 14001 (Responsible Care) standard takes both the ISO 14001 requirements and the RC requirements from the American Chemistry Council (ACC) to meet the expectations of over 150 companies worldwide who comply with the ACC requirements. ISO 14001 Lead Auditors in their training can opt for learning RC too.
It is beneficial for ISO 14001 lead auditors to also be familiar with the ISO 9001 standard. The fundamentals of how a good system works on the PDCA (Plan, Do, Check & Act) cycle are based on the clauses in the QMS standard. Good auditors are able to audit to both these standards as an integrated management system. At QMII ( ), the 30 plus years’ experience in auditing, consulting and training across numerous standards enable ISO 14001 lead auditors to meet the objectives of auditing by providing objective inputs to management to make better decisions.
It is not uncommon for organizations implementing ISO 14001, to also include ISO 45001 the (occupational health and safety) standard apart from the other standards mentioned above. Auditor trained in multiple standards can now audit integrated standards and thus save audit time and add value as well.