Easy Steps to Start Your Digital Detox Today

Author: The Righthand

The digital world is super vast, and there are so many things you can do. People explore the ends of it only to know something the better way or make the best use of the knowledge that they learn. Sometimes, in pursuit of more profound knowledge, we tend to lose ourselves in the online world. Why wouldn’t we, for there are countless and endless possibilities and things to know and learn? As they say, too much of anything is not right, too much of internet is also not the right thing. You must detox once in a while to refresh yourself. We are surrounded by gadgets all over. Digital detox helps us in mental rejuvenation and spare some extra time for the real you The Right Hand.

Detox is essential to keep us alive – in the real sense. To take out time and analyze your inner self, to do things off the gadgets, especially some physical activity or so, which is very good for health. Detaching yourself from all the devices is indeed a tricky thing. We are dependent on them for almost everything. We are so addicted that some houses even have smart lights and fans that work with remote operation from your mobile. Worry not for here are some super-effective steps that you can do to help yourself detox once in a while:

Making a List of Devices Used Daily :

This is the first step to this detoxing process. Make a list of all the devices you use daily. List them down on a paper and reason it. Write down, why do you have to use it. Rank them based on if it is a necessity or a choice. Check if you can have any alternate methods to it. This helps you narrow down to whether you need it or not. Make an extremely sophisticated list mentioning every detail to it, which also includes the time spent on the device. Mobile phones these days have a tracking app that lets you know how long you have been using it. Take an average of it and mention it for better assessment.

The Real Alarm Clock :

It is revealed in a study that nearly 75% of the people check their smartphones as the first thing in the morning. This can cause some serious eye problems. Our eyes need to see something subtle and not an electric light early in the morning. Also, the snooze option on the phone allows being lazier. So, to avoid this, be an old school and buy an actual alarm clock.

The digital world is super vast, and there are so many things you can do. People explore the ends of it only to know something the better way or make the best use of the knowledge that they learn. Sometimes, in pursuit of more profound knowledge, we tend to lose ourselves in the online world. Why wouldn’t we, for there are countless and endless possibilities and things to know and learn? As they say, too much of anything is not right, too much of internet is also not the right thing. You must detox once in a while to refresh yourself. We are surrounded by gadgets all over. Digital detox helps us in mental rejuvenation and spare some extra time for the real you The Right Hand.

Detox is essential to keep us alive – in the real sense. To take out time and analyze your inner self, to do things off the gadgets, especially some physical activity or so, which is very good for health. Detaching yourself from all the devices is indeed a tricky thing. We are dependent on them for almost everything. We are so addicted that some houses even have smart lights and fans that work with remote operation from your mobile. Worry not for here are some super-effective steps that you can do to help yourself detox once in a while:

Making a List of Devices Used Daily :

This is the first step to this detoxing process. Make a list of all the devices you use daily. List them down on a paper and reason it. Write down, why do you have to use it. Rank them based on if it is a necessity or a choice. Check if you can have any alternate methods to it. This helps you narrow down to whether you need it or not. Make an extremely sophisticated list mentioning every detail to it, which also includes the time spent on the device. Mobile phones these days have a tracking app that lets you know how long you have been using it. Take an average of it and mention it for better assessment.

The Real Alarm Clock :

It is revealed in a study that nearly 75% of the people check their smartphones as the first thing in the morning. This can cause some serious eye problems. Our eyes need to see something subtle and not an electric light early in the morning. Also, the snooze option on the phone allows being lazier. So, to avoid this, be an old school and buy an actual alarm clock.

A Tech-Free Trip :

Go out! It is hardly possible if you stay indoors to keep yourself away from gadgets. Get out on a family trip and enjoy nature. Make sure you use mobile phones only for emergency purposes. Please refrain from clicking pictures just for the sake of posting it on social media. Spend quality time with family and friends. This way, you can keep yourself busy while on the detox period.

Find a Friend :

Who wouldn’t love friendship goals? Find a friend who is willing to go for a digital detox. Talk beforehand and sent ground rules. Instead of chatting over the phone, make the best of ‘in-person’ conversations. This will help you learn new things and see them in a better perspective.

The Right Hand In Chennai

Karthikbalan Subramanian | ekarthikbalan@gmail.com

5th Floor, Basic Engineering Block, SRM IST, Potheri – 603602.

+91 9080259263