Astrological Facts of the Virgo ascendant Libra | Astrology of Worldastro
Emotive, you are prey to doubts, hesitations and questions. Thus, you must lead a relatively balanced life to be able to recharge your batteries and protect yourself from all forms of stress.
- Character:
Social, communicative, you are pleasant to live with. So, even if you are a bit reserved, you can overcome your shyness to reach out to others. Helpful, you enjoy helping, listening and advising. You give an important place to friendship and you are faithful to your loved ones. Worldastro and You have a good sense of humor. Your sense of analysis, synthesis and observation is heightened and this allows you to instantly capture the essence of the beings around you. Curious, you need to refine your knowledge and broaden your culture. Your desire for security leads you to constantly seek balance and harmony.
- Silver:
You will aspire to tranquility and for that you need to have a good financial balance because it saves you a lot of anxiety. Thus, you will strive to be constant in the management of your accounting even if your personal expenses depend above all on your moods.
- Job:
Regular, methodical and organized, you never get overwhelmed by events. Thus, you strive to have a good pace of work. Your need to manage your files point by point allows you to be efficient and effective. Genuine astrologers in California will have a good sense of analysis and understanding. Precise, you do nothing at random and you are reflected in your actions. Curious, you like to learn and refine your knowledge. You know how to respect the rules and you have no problem joining a team.
- Orientations:
Communication, conciliation, negotiations, public relations, human relations, advice, sales, mediation, writing, literature, journalism, secretarial, medical, administrative, biology, pharmacology, cosmetology, social, law, aesthetics, hairdressing, design, decoration, floral art, graphics, drawing, typography, music, staging...know more from Worldastro.
- Affective:
Vaastu Consultant in California and your need for security leads you to seek balance. Thus, you will aspire to building a relationship and a family. Earth sign coupled with an Air sign, you sometimes get torn between the need for freedom and the desire for stability.
As a couple, attentive, demonstrative, tender and gentle, you multiply attentions and concessions. Exchanges and sharing are the cement of your relationship. If you know how to pace your life with habits, you can also get your couple out of the routine.
- Well-being:
You are a Virgo ascendant Libra and you want to complete the reading of your astrological portrait with the meaning of your ascendant? Calculate the astrological ascendant of your sign on Cosmo and discover how your ascendant influences your astro personality. Character, work, love, money and well-being, our astrologer, Nirwair Ji; Top astrologers in California reveals what the stars say about you!
- Your weak points are:
Your digestive and urinary system, your back. You may suffer from bloating, spasms, colitis, gastric and digestive problems.