How Booming Blockchain World Could Be the Pathway to New Career Opportunities

Author: Ashish Kumar

As we transition to more developed economies, technology would revolutionalize our lives at every nook and corner. Whether it is health, safety, defense, science, technology, and finance, it has grown as a potent tool for humans to transform the whole world around them.

Blockchain is among such future technology that is making information more secure and safer. It could be either information about your purchase or it could be information that correlates to your bank balance. One way or whole, this blockchain world is taking a significant place in our lives and the future of our career would pivot around its growth. Already, the rising blockchain world has shaped several industries including banks and healthcare.

Consequently, several career opportunities in blockchain have marked the beginning of a new era. With that being said, people now would have to adapt and learn about this new technology. There are already several career opportunities ramped up as reported by WorkinginCrypto, which made it necessary for people to skill up. Among the most critical reasons why blockchain would be powering future jobs, here are the five most important ones!

Employment in Blockchain is on the rise

Many data prove that a career opportunity in blockchain has a promising future. Glassdoors, a jobs reviews website, claimed that the demand for jobs in the blockchain industry in the year 2020 would be increased by 300%, contrasting to the figures last year. New York was fund to be having the maximum job opening for the employees. It was followed by San Francisco and San Jose. While Seattle and Chicago were found in the list of top 5.

These figures are just in the USA, while other countries witnessed a similar kind of trend. Upwork, a freelancing platform, stated that the jobs related to blockchain were increased 3,500 percent this year compared to the last year's figures.

But what’s behind the high salaries for blockchain

There are primarily two reasons why blockchain is becoming the best place. Firstly, companies are prepared to pay higher wages for blockchain professionals, as blockchain development is not that popular and not many people possess the skills.

Second, companies across a broad array of businesses are using blockchain technologies nowOr as LinkedIn sets it. "Blockchain has emerged out of the once dark world of cryptocurrency to develop into business solution-seeking issues. This implies you don't need to maintain financial services to be looking for new hires that have expertise and background in placing blockchain in utilization."


The blockchain industry is on the rise and in a developing stage. Shortly, many industries will heavily invest in research and development. This means more career opportunities in the sector. A LinkedIn’s report shows the same. It also says that blockchain is not a startup technology anymore. As the report states, the company world" is voting with its own jobs, and businesses appear to be stating that the possibility of blockchain tech is well worth the bet." When it's worth for companies to devote countless dollars in R&D expenditures, investors must surely be taking a look at the technology too.