Perspectives and Opportunities of Yoga Teacher Training in India

Author: Shivatattva Yoga

'YOGA' - When you first time heard about it, what image comes in your mind of it?

You would have thought, Yoga is a set of physical exercises to get a more flexible & strong body, or it is some mind training practices to improve the mental level of an individual.

Let me tell you the Perspectives and Opportunities inside it.

Philosophical perspectives

Five thousand years ago, Yoga is a traditional art of acquiring the utmost state of body, mind, and soul. From the Vedic period, the art of Yoga in ancient India was being practiced. In Sanskrit, Yoga means 'to unite' and describes a way to live a healthy life. This perennial wisdom of self-realization has its roots in Samkhya Hindu Philosophy of sage Kapila. This principle is a greater contribution to the field of psychology and philosophy, which clearly mentions an objective of understanding the cause.

After this metaphysics of Samkhya, Maharshi Patanjali developed the Ashtanga. It gives a clear benefit in the form reduction of impurities and the attainment of the discriminating of wisdom. The training programs include Pranayama / Meditation/ Kriyas, Asana Practice, Mantra Chanting / Music, Anatomy,

Alignment / Balancing and Principles / Philosophy / Patanjali Sutra.


When respect to traditions, it gives us a sense of our roots, our heritage, and a sense of being. All countries have their own tradition. If you are travelling to the Himalayan regions of India or Nepal and take a yoga teacher training course, you will experience how the traditions have modernized in its birthplace. All the classes are conducted with an opening mantra, an Om with Namaskar, and an intention. Then you will learn a series of Asanas, or poses, followed by savasana. Also, many classes begin or conclude with pranayama, meditation, and breathing exercises to use the benefits of the physical practice in your body to ease into the mental practice. The leading yoga instructors have been practicing as a part of their local culture and heritage.

Popular destinations

India is one of the most sought out famous teacher training places around the world when you wish to do Yoga. Every year there are many aspirants from all parts of the world come to India to study and practice. Rishikesh is one of the best suitable places in India for yoga teacher training.

Rishikesh, the World Capital of Yoga, has been one of India's holiest and most spiritual centers for thousands of years.... It is known as Tapo Bhumi, meaning the place for Yoga and meditation of the Gods. Rishikesh is a peaceful temple town where the Ganges River flows clear and full of spiritual energy.


Mostly all Yoga teacher training School in India and the teachers maintain the credentials and standards (Yoga Alliance) per the international teaching. Also, many teachers in the country will study through academic Institutions such as the Universities wherein they acquire the sound knowledge of the subject with proper training, self-study, and practice. There are various Schools, and teachers are registered with Yoga Alliance USA, Yoga Alliance International, and Ayush Ministry Govt of India, which is one of the biggest proof of a Yoga School & Teacher.

All students during their yoga teacher training course in India must find the exposure for the Indian culture and cuisine. Mostly all destinations provide the down to earth facilities in an economical way, ensuring the quality of the hygiene in the kitchen, yoga shala, and rooms with teacher training programs.