Top Kitchen Trends of 2014 in the GTA

Author: Studiokitchen Group

The kitchen industry in the GTA has witnessed a number of trends in the past decade or so. There was a time when white seemed to be the only color that was available to the designers, but in the last two years or so, people have started experimenting with new kitchen design ideas. This has brought natural materials and patterned splash backs back into the limelight. There are other significant changes that have occurred in the GTA’s kitchen designing industry, so without further ado, let’s start with some really cool kitchen trends of 2014 from Studio Kitchen Group.

  • Home Kitchens with a Commercial Feel

The number of home kitchens in and around GTA that come with a commercial style is increasing by the day. Homeowners simply love the ‘no frills’ style and the extra space these kitchens offer. These kitchens make it easy to be the host when it comes to throwing a party for friends and family.

  • Contemporary Styling

Apart from home kitchens with a commercial feel, another design trend that’s worthwhile to mention is the use of contemporary styling in today’s kitchens. Flat panel doors with finished aluminum edges coupled with sleek modern appliances gives these kitchens an uber-cool look. This kitchen trend widely appeals to working couples living in upscale condominiums.

  • Floating Hood

Floating hoods are being increasingly used by custom kitchen manufacturers as a decorative element. When used creatively, floating hoods can help you create a unique design that makes your kitchen stand out from the rest. It is important that you keep in mind the overall design of kitchen when selecting floating hoods as synchrony plays an important role in creating the proper ambience.

  • Spacious & Functional

2014 has seen the revival of spacious, functional kitchen designs that serve the purpose rather than merely appeal to everyone through their aesthetics. Homeowners all around the GTA, especially in Richmond Hill, have taken a liking to this trend and many have made major renovations this year to increase their kitchen space. Along with a spacious design, these kitchens also feature latest appliances that make cooking a truly enjoyable affair. These kitchens are characterized by wooden countertops and proper ventilation.

  • Decorative Backsplashes

Decorative backsplashes are one of the most exciting kitchen design ideas of 2014. Natural look and floor to ceiling are some of the most widely used styles used these days for decorative backsplashes. If you are looking at creating a focal point in your kitchen, floor to ceiling is the style you should go for. Natural colors are apt for creating a cottage feel in your kitchen. You can customize the backsplashes according to your tastes and create something that suits your personal style.

  • The Code Blue Program

Blue, it seems, is the color of 2014 and blue tiles and accessories are everywhere to be seen. Most custom kitchen manufacturers in the GTA are making blue a part of their designs and it seems the trend will continue, at least for this year. If you too are thinking of going blue this year, consider experimenting with navy blues or sky blues to add a soothing feeling to your kitchen.

These were a few kitchen design trends for 2014. Instead of sticking with tried and tested designs, homeowners in the GTA are looking at new designs and styles to create that ideal kitchen that immediately leaves an indelible impression on everyone. If you know about some exciting kitchen trends for 2014, feel free to share them with us. We request you to share this article if you find it useful.