Understanding The Structure For Essay Writing

Author: Jason Markus

Writing an essay, article, story or a resume needs some basic rules to follow. In this article I am going to throw light on how to write an essay. This article is especially written for high school and university students respectively. You are not the only person who struggles while writing; rather it is a hurdle which every writer confronts in the beginning. Writing an essay is like cooking a dish. A chef cooks a tasteful dish only if he follows the basic steps according to defined rules of cooking like grinding spices, boiling tomatoes etc. Similarly, it takes a writer to adopt all the rudimentary rules which may seem less important at times while they are not in order to become a professional writer. Moreover, it is of high importance for students to understand the basic structure of essay. Improving writing skills and understanding the fundamental structure of essay writing are the two key factors that are inextricably linked with each other. If you lack in one of the above mentioned factors, you cannot write a handy essay. Well, assuming that you know the basics of writing, I am going to highlight the key factors which make an essay a complete writing.

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  1. Clear Thinking
  2. Target Audience
  3. Outline
  4. Introduction
  5. Main Body
  6. Conclusion

The above mentioned factors are the main pillars for structuring an essay in a correct way. I have mentioned the factors in sequence which must be followed as written from top to bottom. I am starting with the first one that is "clear thinking".

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1. Clear Thinking:

As a student you must wonder at times how you can become a professional writer. Making a name in the realm of good writers is off-course not an overnight job. It is definitely an overwhelming task to write a top-notch essay. But it is not the writing techniques only rather understanding the topic is the foremost step a writer has to perform before he commences writing in order to express his thoughts and ideas according to the topic. It does not matter whether you have a strong vocabulary or a firm grip on grammar rules, if you are not writing according to the topic your writings are all in vain. So, think about the topic, understand it clearly and then apply all the writing skills to explain the topic accordingly.

2. Target Audience

A writer must know for whom and why he is writing the essay. Style of writing varies from reader to reader but the structure remains the same. For example, collection of words should be simple while writing an essay for school students while complex words can be used for writing an essay for university students. So, understanding the mental level and then addressing the query, topic or any topic accordingly is very essential as it leads towards writing a remarkable and unique essay.

3. Outline:

It is human nature that he thinks about a particular thing and often forgets afterwards. Sometimes, he forgets even a central point of discussion which results in not getting up to the marks results at the end. In order to subdue this issue all professional writers urge neophyte writers to jot down all relevant points on a sheet of paper in the form of small sentences. This process is known as making an outline.

4. Introduction:

If someone asks you to introduce yourself, you always try to tell them about yourself in one or two sentences. Same goes for introducing the topic. Keep it simple and concise but remember introduction must be interesting as well in order to spark an urge to read a full essay till the end. So, make it interesting by mentioning a famous quote, raising a question or giving interesting facts and numbers on a particular assigned topic.

5. Main Body:

Main body of the essay is composed of arguments and examples supporting them. It is a part where a student can elaborate the topic in an explanatory way. Remember, you must not deviate yourself from the central idea of essay writing and avoiding making whirls within the whirls as it will lead a reader towards confusion.

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6. Conclusion:

As you are a student and at the initial stage of writing, it is the foremost stage of essay writing on which you must take a deep interest. It is a point where you have to sum up your whole discussion. Make it precise and tell your teacher about your stance and prove it authentic clearly in a way that your teacher must not have any second thought in his mind.

If you have adopted all the above-mentioned techniques, it means you have started a journey towards becoming a professional writer. Ultimately, students will ask you to write my essay for me sooner or later.

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