HP0-J64 HP Certification Exam - Passing Exam Tips
HP0-J64, Designing HP Enterprise Storage Solutions exam is proctored and can be taken at dedicated testing centers and institutes. This exam consists on questions and answers, and total number of these questions and answers are 55. Following are the types are these questions and answers:
- Multiple choice
- Single choice
- Scenarios with multiple questions
Total time includes in this exam to covers all multiple choice questions is 115 minutes. Candidates should have to clear all questions within time. No extra time allowed in this exam. Passing ratio in this exam is 56%. Delivery languages in this exam are Japanese, Simplified Chinese and English.
HP0-J64, Designing HP Enterprise Storage Solutionstest examines your abilities to perform theDescribe HP products and solutions, Explain the fundamental architectures and technologies of Enterprise Solutions, Design, validate and propose a solution, Identify the customer's requirements, Expand and extend opportunities for current and future customer business, HP Enterprise Backup vision, strategy, products and solutions, Describe and position HP Service offerings related to HP storage solutions and Plan and Design an Enterprise Backup Solution.
Candidates should have at-least one year experience in storage technologies. Participants should have needs to identify and define business necessities and then design enterprise scope, complex storage solutions to meet those requirements.
To pass the HP0-J64, planning HP Enterprise Storage Solutions test, you may exhibit a comprehension of the experience wants for Storage Pre-deals focused those who have the proper info to uphold the bargains delegates at the shopper web site and prepare an entire and backed declare a shopper. The preparation can survey, and use careful investigation science laboratory activities to broaden the aptitudes of Storage Professionals to counsel, Architect, define and propose ends up in the HP Storage Enterprise portfolio.
Exam Objective:
15% of this exam consists of Fundamental storage architecture and technologytopic and this topics also covers some detailed topics in it like Describe storage transport components, Describe and characterize SAN topologies, Describe backup systems technology, Describe data availability technologies and Describe storage and network management.
25% part of this exam covers with HP Storage products, solutions, and service offerings. This topic includes Describe the HP Converged Storage strategy and correctly position the HP Storage portfolio.
14% objective of this exam consists of Competitive positioning, and this topic also covers some detailed knowledge like Identify the strength of HP Storage solutions, Illustrate the competitive advantage of HP solutions and Demonstrate technology capabilities as solution options.
46% part of this exam consists on Solution planning and design. This exam topic covers Opportunity discovery, Plan and design a solution, Size a solution, Proposal review and validation and Present to a customer like detailed knowledge in it.
Way to pass HP0-J64, Designing HP Enterprise Storage Solutions exam in first try:
Candidates can get the success in first try once he used the study material, which is prepared and selected by the experts and professionals in the field of HP. Candidates should have to believe on these study material, because many of your friends got success in their first try after using the selected and workable study guides.
CertifyGuide supplies a comprehensive Variety of PDF Questions and Answers collection, which is prepare by skilled and competent vendors regarding Hp0-J64 Study Kits and Hp0-J65 Actual Exam.